13 December 2022
Alexandre Prokhanov

New Russia, New Empire: Prokhanov’s Dream

If there is a Russian intellectual who has theorised the cultural ideology behind Putin’s Russia, it is Alexander Prokhanov. Juliette Faure, a doctoral student at […]
27 November 2022
Laura - Séance de portrait pour la campagne 2018 de l'association "Tombée du Nid", pour la reconnaissance des personnes porteuses de trisomie 21. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Refusing Down’s Syndrome Screening: A Reasoned Choice

How to understand pregnant women who refuse screening for Down’s syndrome(1)It is a genetic disease that can cause physical and mental disabilities, the extent and […]
14 June 2022

Transformations Of and Through Work

Not a week goes by without the publication of a new book by a professional, a journalist, an observer witness, or a researcher, about the […]
13 June 2022

How Work Became a Revolutionary Concept

On the eve of the 1848 revolution, the founders of contemporary socialism—primarily Karl Marx and Pierre-Joseph Proudh——saw the working class as a unified entity: a […]
13 June 2022

Forestry Work: a Key to Fighting Global Warming?

In March 2021, the National Forestry Office (ONF) shared on social media a photograph of the Minister of Agriculture marking a multi-hundred-year-old oak tree intended […]
13 June 2022

Are Elected Officials Compensated for Working?

In the social sciences, it has become a matter of course to consider and analyse the activities and office of elected officials as work. Commonly […]
13 June 2022

Dying at Work? Industrial Society and the Relationship to Risk

On December 27, 1974, an explosion occurred in one of the tunnels of the Liévin coal mine in northern France. Forty-two miners were killed on […]
13 June 2022

Wage Inequality: the Price of Motherhood

We know that the gender gap in the workplace widens when women become mothers, but some aspects of this inequality have been understudied, particularly the […]
12 June 2022

Welfare and Reciprocity: Should We (Really) Feed the Surfers?

Should society feed surfers? ‘Surfers’ are people who choose to stop contributing to social life through work in order to devote themselves to leisure activities. […]