8 July 2021

It is Time to Regulate Social Media

The Era of Media Warming by Dominique Boullier, CEE What has happened to our media system over the past decade? How have we managed to […]
3 July 2020

Artificial Intelligence: What Revolution Are We Talking About?

by Virginie Tournay, CEVIPOF* The prominence of digital technology and algorithms in collective life is often analyzed from a technological, organizational and economic perspective; but […]
3 July 2020

ELIPSS: Portrait of the French Under Lockdown

When it decreed a lockdown for social distancing on 16 March 2020, the French government made a decision that was about to disrupt our everyday […]
6 May 2019
Can digital technology reivent democrary ? Copyrigths Sciences Po

Cogito 6 – Dossier

Can digital technology reinvent democracy? To shed light on an issue as complex, multidimensional and often discussed in a Manichean way, researchers and Sciences Po […]
6 May 2019
Réseaux sociaux, par Gerd Altmann,Pixabay License

What democracy is doing with digital technology

by Dominique Cardon, Director of médialab. After being touted for showing democratic promise, digital technologies are today accused of disseminating fake news and serving as […]
6 May 2019
Creative Beauty at Creative Commons. Credits : CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Creative Commons and Open Source licenses – Do digital freedoms conflict with property rights?

by Séverine Dusollier Full Professor, Law School Revolutions often start with stories, anger, and frustrations that are a priori insignificant and anecdotal. This is the […]
6 May 2019
Screenshot_2019-04-08 Matteo Salvini ( matteosalvinimi) Twitter(1)

What the European far rights share on social networks

by Caterina Froio Assistant Professor at the Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics   The online presence of far-right organizations, activists, and figures, and […]
6 May 2019

Digital technology, a teaching field and tool

Since the transmission of knowledge is a major objective of research, the academic community is also involved in the development of a growing course offering. […]
8 November 2018

Digital readings of the Bible

In a study of sermons made by English preachers in the 17th and 18th centuries, medialab researcher Jean-Philippe Cointet and four sociologists and historians from […]