by Virginie Tournay, CEVIPOF* The prominence of digital technology and algorithms in collective life is often analyzed from a technological, organizational and economic perspective; but […]
Can digital technology reinvent democracy? To shed light on an issue as complex, multidimensional and often discussed in a Manichean way, researchers and Sciences Po […]
by Dominique Cardon, Director of médialab. After being touted for showing democratic promise, digital technologies are today accused of disseminating fake news and serving as […]
by Séverine Dusollier Full Professor, Law School Revolutions often start with stories, anger, and frustrations that are a priori insignificant and anecdotal. This is the […]
by Caterina Froio Assistant Professor at the Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics The online presence of far-right organizations, activists, and figures, and […]
Since the transmission of knowledge is a major objective of research, the academic community is also involved in the development of a growing course offering. […]
In a study of sermons made by English preachers in the 17th and 18th centuries, medialab researcher Jean-Philippe Cointet and four sociologists and historians from […]