19 November 2018

Labor Regulations Under Stress

What are the conflicts in professional relationships in France? What are the open or latent conflicts in the workplace? How are they regulated? These two […]
22 October 2018

You Better Move On!

The expatriation of young Italians Close to 5% of Italian masters graduates seek employment abroad. While the share may seem small, this exodus represents a […]
20 April 2018
Ce que les médicaments génériques ont changé dans notre système de santé. Crédits image : CC0 Public Domain

How Generic Drugs Have Changed Our Healthcare System

Introduced in France about 25 years ago, generic drugs continue to raise doubts and questions. Some believe they have helped curb the rise in spending […]
11 April 2018
Studio with studio with brick walls and ragged windows, spotlights, camera with special devices for shooting video Crédits Pavel L, Shutterstock

Creating Illusion. Spotlight on the Production Designers

With support from the Foundation for the Social Sciences, which was created under the aegis of the Fondation de France, Gwenaële Rot, university professor and […]
11 April 2018

The spatial dimensions of educational inequalities

University professor Marco Oberti is the head of the Center for Studies in Social Change. His research is often comparative and focuses on segregation in […]
2 October 2017

Jobs at Risk From Technology : When Supervising Machines is Work in its Own Right

ebates over the place of work in our society are somewhat paradoxical. Whether technology is being touted for its potential or denounced for its domination, […]
1 February 2017

Occupational risks under scrutiny

All work environments carry risks for employees. Some risks are present in many sectors, while others are more specific; some are easily identifiable and/or identified, […]
4 June 2016

Why does the State want to govern our behaviour?

“Eat, move”, “I eco-renovate, I economize”, “Generic medicines are great”, “Smoking kills”: What is the state doing when it thus interferes in our private lives […]