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Dual degrees

Sciences Po and the Tata Institute for Social Sciences (TISS) offer since 2024 a dual Master’s degree in Global Urban Development. As Greater Paris and Greater Mumbai have radically different spatial forms, geographies, and histories, the cities provide an ideal site for students who want to acquire skills in global comparative urbanism and urban governance and understand how urban policy is implemented in different contexts. Year 1 in Paris following the first year courses of the Master in Governing the Large Metropolis (GLM) at the Urban School, Sciences Po. Year 2 in Mumbai in TISS (School of Habitat Studies), following a program that draws from four centres at TISS.


Image from Climate Risk Index 2019
(crédits : Germanwatch)

Facing Environmental Crisis in South Asia: Challenges and Responses

Replay the inaugural meeting of the Sciences Po South Asia Program on Vimeo