Who should I contact?
Function | Name |
Director | Myriam Dubois-Monkachi |
Assistant | direction.scolarite@sciencespo.fr |
Address: Ground-floor courtyard, 56, rue des Saints-Pères – 75007 Paris (access via 27, rue Saint-Guillaume)
Function | Name |
Director of Student Life | Pierre Catalan |
Student Engagement Manager | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 50 26 |
Office Manager Student Life | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 85 85 |
Academic and administrative assistant | Tél : +33 (0)1 45 49 86 64 |
On your campus
Campus | Function | Name |
Dijon campus | Student Projects Manager | Ismaël Combette |
Le Havre campus | Administrative Manager | Ph. +33 (0)2 32 92 10 05 |
Menton campus | Student Life Coordinator | Ph. +33 (0)4 97 14 83 51 |
Nancy campus | Student Life & Civic Learning Programme Coordinator | Ph. +33 (0)3 83 30 09 63 |
Paris campus | In charge of student associations | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 55 66 |
In charge of student associations | Ph. +33 (0)1 49 54 38 59 | |
Sports & Student wellbeing Manager | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 56 12 | |
Cooperative projects Manager | Baptiste Vivien | |
Poitiers campus | Student Life Coordinator | Ph. +33 (0)5 49 50 96 82 |
Reims campus | Student Life Coordinator | Ph. +33 (0)3 26 05 94 96 |
Reception on site, without appointment, at 13 rue de l'Université, 1st floor:
- Monday and Wednesday 9:30am to 12pm and from 1:30pm to 4pm
- Friday from 9:30am to 12pm
Digital reception on Zoom, without appointment at the following times:
- Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30am to 12pm and from 1:30pm to 4pm
Write to the Registrar and Tuition Fees Office
When contacting us we encourage you to check the FAQ for immediate responses to the most frequently asked questions.
If you don't find an answer to your question(s), contact us by email. Be sure to carefully fill out the contact information form so that we can identify your situation and provide you with an appropriate response.
Administration office - Paris and Regional campuses
Function | Name |
Head of the Registrar and tuition fees office | Agnès Maran |
Referent Paris / Reims campus | Sonia Verdu Amoros |
Referent Paris / Le Havre campus | Marie-Denise Philomète |
Referent Paris / Poitiers campus | Isabel Freitas Machado |
Referent Paris / Nancy campus | Soa Rakotomavo |
Referent Paris / Menton campus | Ayumi Silva |
Referent Paris / Dijon campus | Manuella Bunel |
Administration office - Finance
Function | Name |
Administrative and Financial Supervisor | Xavier Desroches |
Administrative and Financial Supervisor | Marie-Claire Ung |
Administrative and Financial Supervisor | Hugo Hadjipetrou |
Reception on site, without appointment, at 13 rue de l'Université, 1st floor:
- Monday and Wednesday 9:30am to 12pm and from 1:30pm to 4pm
- Friday from 9:30am to 12pm
Digital reception on Zoom, without appointment at the following times:
- Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30am to 12pm and from 1:30pm to 4pm
Function | Name |
Head of Scholarships and Student support | Sophie Rivière Dufour |
Administrative Coordinator for Student Support: Crous and Sciences Po Europe scholarships | Karima Ameur |
Student welfare and support Manager | Karima Dahamna |
Administrative Coordinator for Student Support: International mobility grants, Scholarships and Residence permits | Marcela Higuera |
Housing and student welfare Manager | Laura Churchill |
Housing and student welfare Manager | Noémie Serra-Wittling |
Address: 199, boulevard Saint-Germain - 75007 Paris
Office hours:
- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9.30am - 12.45pm and 2.15pm - 4.45pm
- Wednesday and Friday, 9.30am - 12.45pm
Academic team
Function | Name |
Associate Professor ; Coordinator of the Language Department; Coordinator of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Teachings; Hybrid Learning Coordinator | Alexandra Danet |
Associate professor ; English Teachings Coordinator; Certification. | Toufik Abdou |
Associate professor ; FLE Teachings Coordinator for the Paris campus. FLE Labellisation. | Laurent Hermeline |
Associate Professor ; Arab Teachings Coordinator (Paris and Reims campus), Hebrew and Turc Coordinator | Dounia Badini |
Associate Professor ; German, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Sign language and Polish Teachings Coordinator. | Delphine Brunet |
Associate Professor; English and French teachings Coordinator for the Reims campus. | Audrey Meunier |
Function | Name |
Administrative manager, in charge of the Teachers relation, Student absence management and in competitive exams preparation. | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 56 49 |
In charge of the Master students relation and Tutoring. | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 53 36 |
In charge of the Master students relation and C1 certification in Master. | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 55 97 |
In charge of the Teacher relations, Moodle support and the preparation of the administrative exams. | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 50 36 |
In charge of the Master student relations and Tutoring. | Ph. +33 1 45 49 63 64 |
In charge of the Undergraduate College and C1 certification in Master and of Inalco. | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 54 79 |
In charge of the undergraduate college students and of Inalco. | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 59 58 |
In charge of the Teacher relations, change of levels for 3rd year students and C1 certification in Master. | Ph. +33 1 45 49 55 04 |
Address: 27 rue Saint-Guillaume- Ground floor - 75007 Paris
Office hours: Monday and Wednesday from 10am to 4 pm.
All your requests can be addressed via the contact form, they will be processed within one week.
Function | Name |
Studies and Education coordinator | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 53 27 |
In charge of the Masters of the Law School, Urban School, Journalism School and School of Research | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 76 96 |
In charge of the Masters of the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 76 07 |
In charge of the Masters of the School of Management and Impact (SMI) | Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 51 28 |
In charge of the Masters of the School of Public Affairs | Lyndsay Lucina (temporary replacement for Sandra Laizet Fuentes) Ph. +33 (0)1 45 49 59 28 |
The Sciences Po Health Centre operates on all our campuses, with a team comprising general practitioners, nurses, psychologists and psychiatrists.
Address: 13 rue de l'université (first floor)
Opening hours of the reception (by appointment): Monday to Friday, 9am – 1pm and 2pm – 5.30pm.
Email: pole.handicap@sciencespo.fr
Function | Name |
Director, Diversity & Inclusion | Ph: +33 (0)1 45 49 51 37 |
Programme Manager | Ph: + 33 (0)1 45 49 50 58 |
Programme Manager | Ph: + 33 (0)1 45 49 56 52 |
Programme Manager | Ph: + 33 (0)1 45 49 76 20 |
Administrative Manager | Ph: +33 (0)1 45 49 54 49 |
Address: 28 rue des Saints-Pères - 75007 Paris
Opening hours of the reception:
- Monday to Thursday, 9:30am – 12 noon and 1.30pm – 5pm
- Friday, 9:30am – 12noon
Opening hours of the teachers' room: Monday to Friday, 7.45am – 7.30pm.
Function | Name |
Manager | José Fonseca |
Coordinator | Sehade Bellili |
Assistant | Jade Nianga-Bouesso |
Assistant | Marc Lanfranchi |
The external support service run by France Victimes:
- Available 9am to 9pm, seven days a week
- Tel.: 01 80 52 33 83
- incident.sciencespo@france-victimes.fr
On-campus contact points:
Function | Name |
Data Protection Officer | Nawale Lamrini |
Adresse : 199, boulevard Saint Germain - 75007 Paris (niveau -1)
Horaires de l'accueil : lundi au vendredi, de 9h00 à 12h00 et de 14h00 à 17h00
Ce service a pour activité principale la fabrication :
- des supports de cours qui vous sont remis en salles de cours
- des livrets de cours vendus à La Librairie de Sciences Po (30, rue Saint Guillaume - 75007 Paris sur présentation de votre carte étudiant Sciences Po)
À noter : les supports de cours du 1er cycle sont consultables en ligne : ils ne sont pas imprimés.