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Outgoing students - Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme

Academic year 2025-2026

The international credit mobility programme aims to encourage study abroad, both within Europe and in partner countries outside of Europe.

As part of its international policy, Sciences Po has applied for grant funding for compulsory exchanges to and from certain universities outside of Europe

Section #outgoing

International mobility grants for outgoing students

For the year 2025-2026, Sciences Po has secured mobility grants for students studying abroad in the following countries and universities:

AlbaniaThe University of TiranaOne ten-month grant, plus inclusion supplement available
Bosnia and HerzegovinaThe University of SarajevoTwo ten-month grants, plus inclusion supplement available for one grant
United Arab Emirates (Master Level Only)Anwar Gargash Diplomatic AcademyFour four-month grants plus inclusion supplement available for 2 grants
Qatar (Master level only)Doha Institute for Graduate StudiesTwo four-month grants plus inclusion supplement available for 1 grant
  • Sydney University
  • Melbourne University
  • The University of Queensland 
Five eight-month grants, plus inclusion supplement available for 3 grants
New ZealandThe University of AucklandOne five-month grant

Please note: we did not obtain funding for North America under the 2024-2026 agreement.

Section #montant

Amount of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Grant

The Erasmus+ international credit mobility grant consists of two different types of funding:

  • Between 100 and 499 km: €211 per participant
  • Between 500 and 1999 km: €309 per participant
  • Between 2000 and 2999 km: €395 per participant
  • Between 3000 and 3999 km: €580 per participant
  • Between 4000 and 7999 km: €1,188 per participant
  • Above 8000 km: €1,735 per participant

Outgoing third-year or Master students (going from France to a partner country): €700/month

Funding for the study period will begin from the first day a student is required to be present by the host institution, and it will end on the last day the host institution requires them to be present.

For any questions relating to calculating the grant amount, please contact Sciences Po’s Erasmus+ office: erasmusplus.international@sciencespo.fr

Section #apply

How do I apply?

Given the limited number of grants, students going on a compulsory third-year exchange to the above countries and universities will be contacted about applying for a grant. Committees will be set up to select beneficiaries based on financial need and academic performance. 


The application form is available online and must be completed by 28 March 2025 at the latest. 

Results will be announced in May 2025.