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Mobility grants

Several mobility grants are available to help you finance your study or internship abroad. Such mobility grants offer financial support but will not fully finance your international experience. Studying or carrying out an internship abroad can be costly and we advise you to carefully prepare your budget before your departure.

Please note:

  • CROUS bursary students can keep their bursary and additional financial support from Sciences Po (“complément Sciences Po”) during their mandatory semester or year abroad.
  • Some regions in France also offer international mobility grants and students enrolled on a regional campus may be eligible to apply. Students have the responsibility of applying directly to the region (Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Grand Est, Normandie, Nouvelle Aquitaine, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur).
  • Please refer to the following departments within Sciences Po if you require a signed document (please note that requests take one week to be processed): 
  • Exchange students are not eligible to apply for a student mobility aid through Sciences Po.
  • The mobility aids are awarded on the basis of family income.
  • CROUS bursary holder students carrying out a study abroad of 9 months or more will be able to obtain the maximum amount of distance points from the CROUS for the calculation of their scholarship.

Study in Europe

Erasmus+ is a European Commission programme designed to encourage student exchanges between European partner universities participating in the programme. All mobility between Sciences Po students and its partner universities and companies in Europe is conducted under the Erasmus+ programme. Erasmus scholarships are managed by the Centre for Europe (International Affairs Division).

Sciences Po's international mobility aid cannot be combined with the Erasmus+ scholarship.

For further information on the Erasmus+ programme.

Max Lazard PrizeStudents enrolled in Sciences Po's undergraduate or graduate programme
Victoria PrizeStudents must be enrolled in Sciences Po’s undergraduate studies programme (all campuses) and be holders of a Crous scholarship.
European University Institute PhD scholarshipsStudents wishing to join the doctoral program of the European University Institute
Herbert Smith Freehills scholarshipsStudents wishing to enrol in an LLM in the UK
Swiss European Mobility Programme (SEMP)Bachelor and Master students studying abroad in a Swiss university
Bourse ZellidjaFrench speaking students, between 16 and 20 years old during their mobility, traveling alone for at least onea month, and with an academic project.

Study outside Europe

The Scholarship and Student Support office manages financial aid for international mobility awarding aid through Sciences Po's International Mobility Fund (FMI) and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (or from the CROUS). The Ministry awards a global sum to Sciences Po for the allocation of the aid to scholarship holders in line with the following criteria: 

  • family income (quotient familial of 20 000€ approximately for mobility in 2024-2025)
  • the cost of living in the country of destination compared to the cost of living in France.


  • Only students embarking on a mandatory and credited study abroad or internship programme are eligible to apply
  • Students undertaking a gap year (who pay 25% of tuition fees) are not eligible to apply for student mobility financial aid
  • International Bachelor dual-degree students are only eligible to apply for their 3rd year of study
  • Students carrying out a “mixed” year as part of their 3rd year abroad may deposit two mobility financial aid applications (one for study abroad and one for their internship) by filling out the form twice (the second time during the fall application period).

How may I apply?

You may submit your application for an international student mobility aid as soon as you have received confirmation of your study abroad destination.

For internship departures, please note that your request will only be taken into account if you complete the application form before the deadline. You may exceptionally submit your signed internship agreement after the deadline (if applicable) provided you have already completed the form.

You will need to complete and submit the online application form as of February 20, 2025 by logging in with your Sciences Po email address (firstname.lastname@sciencespo.fr).

The online application form only concerns students studying or carrying out an internship outside of Europe or destinations ineligible for the Erasmus+ grant. For mobility aid information within the European Union and other Erasmus+ destinations, please refer to Sciences Po's International Affairs Division

Important: Please note that incomplete applications (with the exception of an internship agreement) or applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.


First period for submission of applications (academic year 2025-2026): from February 20, 2025, to May 12, 2025, 4:00 pm, Paris time, for a decision in June 2025.

Second period for submission of applications (academic year 2025-2026): from October 15, 2025, to November 15, 2025, 4:00 pm, Paris time, for a decision in January 2026.

Sciences Po’s scholarships and student support office is here to help you with further questions: contact us.

As part of the Erasmus+ International Mobility Credits (IMC, “Erasmus MIC”) programme, Sciences Po has obtained several scholarships to help students or Master’s students finance their mobility outside of Europe.

The scholarships are awarded on the basis of family income and academic excellence.

To find out about the partner universities where Sciences Po students can study under this scholarship programme, please refer to the page dedicated to the “Erasmus+ International Mobility Programme: Outgoing mobility, University College".

To apply for this scholarship, please complete the international mobility aid application form under the heading “Mobility financial aid awarded by Sciences Po” before March 28, 2025. 

If you wish to be considered for the inclusion supplement of the Erasmus MIC scholarship, please fill out this sworn statement, attach supporting documents if needed and include it in the dedicated section of the international mobility aid request form.

Sciences Po also has scholarships to finance the mobility of students coming from several universities outside Europe. To find out about the partner countries, visit the page dedicated to the “Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme: Incoming mobility”.

Max Lazard PrizeStudents enrolled on Sciences Po's undergraduate or graduate programme
Pierre Ledoux Foundation ScholarshipStudents enrolled in Sciences Po’s undergraduate or graduate programme undertaking a mobility in an emerging country 
Victoria PrizeStudents must be enrolled in Sciences Po’s undergraduate studies programme (all campuses) and be Crous scholarship holders (level 5, 6 or 7).
Bourse ZellidjaFrench speaking students, between 16 and 20 years old during their mobility, traveling alone for at least onea month, and with an academic project.
Marion Bruley grantStudents carrying out an internship with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs or another international institution in the United States
Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (FR)Undergraduate and graduate level students of French nationality wishing to undertake an internship linked to their studies in a Quebecois company or institution

Throughout Asia

Laëtitia Craig de Surville PrizeStudents studying in a partner university in South East Asia (China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam) as part of their third year abroad.
ASEM DUOProfessors and Students undertaking an exchange between Asia and Europe
Hubert Curien Partnerships (PHC) with AsiaSupport for the mobility of young researchers, doctoral students and post-doctoral students, as part of joint research projects

Study in China

Chinese government scholarship (CSC)Students from the European Union going to China on an exchange or degree programme: EU programme, other nationalities, bilateral programme
Discover China ProgrammeYoung researchers who wish to discover a mobility programme in China
Fudan University scholarshipStudents studying for a Master’s or PhD degree at Fudan University
Grants from the French Center for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC).Mobility grants for doctoral research on contemporary China
Grants from the Department for Cultural Action and Co-operation (SCAC) of the French Embassy in China (Fr) Grants to support the mobility of young researchers between France and China

Study in Japan

MEXT scholarship (Japan)Postgraduate students for a study period in Japan
Japanese government scholarshipFrench students
Japan Student Service Organisation (JASSO) scholarshipStudents undertaking an exchange programme in Japan
Canon Foundation research fellowshipDoctoral students who wish to undertake a period of research in Japan
Bourses MasaJewish Students
Bourse Pessa et Rebecca Blumenkopf scholarship (FR)French students pursuing their studies at an Israeli university
Study in Israel websiteVarious scholarships promoting incoming mobility to Israel 

Grants from the Centre de Recherche Français de Jérusalem (FR) 


Mobility grants for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers to conduct research study activities in Israel and Jerusalem

Lebanon: In accordance with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs' guidelines, outbound mobility is temporarily suspended.

Programme for graduate students of Arabic and the Arab world (fr.)This programme is open to students with a background in Arabic and a professional project linked to the Arab world. It provides 9 months' immersion in an Arab country (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon or Tunisia) and enhanced language training.
French Research Centre of the Arabian PeninsulaMobility grants for doctoral and post-doctoral students to carry out research activities in the Arabian Peninsula.
Mobility grants from the Jacques Berque CentreMobility grants for master's students, doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences who carry out their research in Morocco, Mauritania and the Maghreb in general.

Contact the Student Services Centre

Reception on site, without appointment, at 13 rue de l'Université, 1st floor:

  • Monday and Wednesday 9:30am to 12pm and from 1:30pm to 4pm
  • Friday from 9:30am to 12pm

Digital reception on Zoom, without appointment:

  • Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30am to 12pm and from 1:30pm to 4pm

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