Home>Fees & Funding>Scholarships and financial aid>Institut national du service public (INSP) Bursary
Institut national du service public (INSP) Bursary
Students registered at Sciences Po in the preparatory course who will take the competitive exams for the Institut National du Service Public (INSP) can apply for a bursary.
The application form must be completed onlin (FR) before Friday October 20, 2023 (23h59). Students must send the supporting documents relating to the application by e-mail to the following address: aidesfinancieres@insp.gouv.fr, by Friday October 20, 2023 at the latest.
The letter of commitment must be sent by e-mail to services.etudiants@sciencespo.fr, in copy of this message Mme. Karima AMEUR (karima.ameur@sciencespo.fr) and prepaconcours@sciencespo.fr, by Friday October 20, 2023 (12h00) at the latest.
The Institut National du Service Public (INSP) is responsible for awarding all bursaries. The bursary amounts to €3156 for the year, it is disbursed in four installments (December 2023, March, June, November 2024) and it is subject to administrative and pedagogical registration for the preparation of the external entrance examination to INSP.