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Recognition procedure
How to apply for or renew recognition of a student association
Recognised student associations are associations with legal status and whose purpose contributes to the development of student life at Sciences Po. Their activities involve primarily Sciences Po students and enable them to pursue a common goal. They may be active on one or more campuses.
Candidate associations should, during the previous two years, have benefited from prior recognition status or have been selected as a student initiative for at least one semester. An online application (in French) must be completed, accompanied by the required documents.
The status of recognised association is granted by the Student Life & Education Committee (CVEF), in conjunction with the Department of Student Life and campus management, for the duration of two academic years.
Student associations that have gained their recognition may benefit from practical resources provided by Sciences Po in order to implement their project.
Please note: before starting to fill in the form, which must be completed in French, please refer to the detailed Guidelines for the recognition procedure (in French and English).
Schedule 2024/2025
- Applications may be submitted throughout the academic year. The year recognition status is obtained counts as a full academic year, regardless of the date of the application.
- Recognition may be awarded subject to the submission of complete applications in compliance with the Student life regulations and to attendance of the common core training sessions provided for association representatives, within 4 months of the recognition date at the latest.
- Recognition is awarded following validation by the Student Life & Education Committee (CVEF) - provisional schedule below - for a duration of two academic years. The current year in which the application is made counts as a full academic year.
Student Life & Education Committee (CVEF), Provisional schedule 2024/2025: 9 September 2024, 7 October 2024, 18 November 2024, 9 December 2024, 13 January 2025, 3 February 2025, 3 March 2025, 28 April 2025, 12 May 2025, 2 June 2025 et 30 June 2025.
Requirements for student association recognition applications
Student association candidates should (art. 13-I of the Student life regulations (PDF - 54 Ko)):
- have already benefited, within the two years prior to application, from the status of recognised association or have organised activities within the framework of student initiatives as set out in article 19;
- provide statutes registered at the Prefecture that comply with the general principles of the student life regulations;
- provide a copy of the receipt of the Prefecture declaration or proof of publication in the official journal (Journal officiel des associations);
- provide the list of those in charge of running the association, registered at the Prefecture, indicating their full names and addresses as well as their position within the association. The list is to be composed of a minimum of two students from Sciences Po. representing at least two out of three members of this list and occupying the positions of president and treasurer or equivalent in the association’s statutes and specifically that of legal representative. A special dispensation may be granted by the Student life commission for associations composed of students from Sciences Po’s higher education partner institutions;
- provide proof of existing insurance policies covering all their activities;
- confirm in writing that their members will take part in the common core training sessions provided for association leaders described in article 27, within four months of obtaining recognition or during the sessions organised following the renewal of the association’s governance;
- undertake in writing to abide by and uphold the Regulations for student life, on behalf of all their members and participants.
Any special dispensation requests will be considered by the Student life commission (CVE).
Good to know
Any questions about the procedure?
Please contact Baptiste Vivien.
Civil liability insurance ("responsabilité civile")
All associations have a legal obligation to compensate for any physical injury or material damage to others. The insurance policy should cover all activities organised by the association, any property used, as well as all participants (members, volunteers, etc.).
Recognised and permanent student associations at Sciences Po are obliged to take out an insurance policy adapted to their activities. All other student associations are strongly recommended to do so as well. In the absence of insurance cover, members of the association would have to meet the cost of any damages, which may be substantial.
As regards funding, the Student life regulations (PDF - 54 Ko) make provision for possible funding to enable student associations to pay their insurance premium (article 28-II). The amount depends on the annual budget of the association, the cost of the premium, etc.
Opening a bank account
The opening of a bank account for the setting up of an association ”loi 1901” is not a legal obligation. However, it is recommended and in many cases essential, if the association wishes to make or receive payments or obtain a grant.
For more information about opening a bank account (source: Helloasso; in French).
Procedures for setting up or modifying an association “loi 1901”
For full details on the “law of 1901” conditions (in French) as well as useful documents and templates for setting up and managing your association, visit the official website: www.associations.gouv.fr (in French).
Student Life contacts
Pierre Catalan
Director of Student Life
Baptiste Vivien
Student Engagement Manager
Paris campus
Clémence Jamet
In charge of student associations
Isabelle Raymond
In charge of student associations
Romain Welter
Sports & Student wellbeing Manager
Regional campuses
- Dijon : Ismaël Combette
- Le Havre : Anne Petit
- Menton : Anne-Hélène Lecomte
- Nancy : Alexandra Brun
- Poitiers : Yvonnick Nibaudeau
- Reims : Anne-Charlotte Amaury
Student life regulations
The Student Life Regulations (PDF, 357 Ko), adopted by the Student Life & Education Committee (Conseil de la vie étudiante et de la formation), set down a frame of reference and determine how Sciences Po students may exercise their political, cultural, community and student union activities.