Home>Get involved>Student associations and initiatives>Organising and promoting student events
Organising and promoting student events
Over 1500 student events are held each year across the Sciences Po campuses, check them out on the student events platform.
Organising a student event at Sciences Po
Student associations and initiatives may organise, when authorised, events or meetings at Sciences Po within the context of their activities (art. 22 – Student Life regulations, pdf - 477 Ko).
Requests should be made according to the procedure for each campus, as follows.
Lukas Macek, Campus director, and Ismaël Combette, co-student life coordinator.
To organise an event on the Le Havre campus, please use the following online form: on-campus event request form.
Requests should be made at least 3 weeks before the event.
To organise an event on the Menton campus, please use the following online form: on-campus event request form.
To organise an event on the Nancy campus, please send an email to Alexandra Brun, student life coordinator.
To organise an event on the Paris campus, please complete this event request form (in French).
Requests should be submitted at least one month before the event. Exemptions may be granted, namely when the planned event relates to an unforeseen issue of national or international importance, having a considerable impact on the student community. For live performance events requiring the installation of complex technical equipment, the request must be submitted 45 days in advance.
For operational meetings by associations or student initiatives, requests should be made as soon as possible, ideally 8 days before the planned date.
To organise an event on the Poitiers campus, please use the following online form: on-campus event request form.
Requests should be made at least 2 weeks before the preferred date.
To organise an event on the Reims campus, please send an email to Anne-Charlotte Amaury, student life coordinator.
Requests should generally be made at least a week before the event, and 3 weeks before a large-scale event.
Organising events outside Sciences Po
Student association events are an important part of the student experience, bringing people together for encounters, exchanges and celebrations that punctuate and galvanise university life.
However, they can also carry risks, both for the people who take part in them and for the association leaders who run them.
The better prepared you are, the better your reflexes and those of your organising teams will be.
To help you manage these risks and contribute to turning these festive moments into unforgettable memories and shared successes, we have put together a Guide to Student Evenings and Events (PDF in French, English version in progress).
“Together we must work to offer responsible, inclusive events and to help to ensure that the student experience can be a reliable source of fulfilment and shared exchanges”
Compulsory declaration of an off-campus social setting
Article 17 of the Student Life Regulations (PDF, 54 Ko) stipulates that student associations and initiatives at Sciences Po, wishing to organise [...] “student parties and orientation events or trips involving more than 20 students, undertake, within the context of the training described in article 28, that those in charge will attend the sessions raising awareness about risky behaviour in festive environments, and to declare these events to the department in charge of student life or campus management at least 15 days beforehand, and prior to any communication to students”, by completing the Declaration form for festive student events or trips involving more than 20 students (in French)
Prevention and reduction of risks
Whether it be from a legal or moral point of view, student associations and school management shoulder the responsibility for the health and well-being of students.
Consequently, student associations and initiatives organising parties or events undertake to implement preventive measures for their participants, in order to meet their obligations in combating excessive alcohol consumption and the use of psychoactive substances (Article 17 of the Student Life Regulations (PDF, 54 Ko). Within this context, the Student association fund (FIA) may enable you to benefit from a grant to meet these obligations in terms of risk prevention and personal safety.
You will find further information on the page Requesting funding for your project as well as in the Guide to Student Evenings and Events (English version in progress).
Promoting an event
As a general rule, student associations must clearly indicate in all communications about their events and activities that these events and activities are organised by a student association and not by Sciences Po.
Student associations organising events on the Paris campus can advertise their event via the student events platform (FR) by placing a publication request.
These communications are included in the weekly student event newsletter sent to students on the Paris campus (not to be confused with the institutional events newsletter, also published weekly).
Student Life contacts
Pierre Catalan
Director of Student Life
Baptiste Vivien
Student Engagement Manager
Paris campus
Clémence Jamet
In charge of student associations
Isabelle Raymond
In charge of student associations
Romain Welter
Sports & Student wellbeing Manager
Regional campuses
- Dijon : Ismaël Combette
- Le Havre : Anne Petit
- Menton : Anne-Hélène Lecomte
- Nancy : Alexandra Brun
- Poitiers : Yvonnick Nibaudeau
- Reims : Anne-Charlotte Amaury
Use of the Sciences Po trademark and logo
Any use of the Sciences Po trademark, composed of the name and logo, by student associations is subject to prior authorisation by the Department of Communications and must respect the visual identity guidelines (PDF in French , 1.72 Mo).