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Gender Equality
Sciences Po is an inclusive university committed to promoting real equality between women and men. We are taking action at every level within the student community, in line with our 2020-2023 action plan (fr.).
Courses on Gender
In conjunction with the Programme for Research and Education on Gender (PRESAGE), gender is addressed as a cross-cutting issue across the courses taught at Sciences Po, and several courses are specifically focused on gender equality (find the course offer on the PRESAGE website).
In addition, innovative qualitative studies are being conducted through the EGERA research project (fr.) and Sciences Po's educational innovation division:
- Study on the evaluation of teaching staff (Anne Boring)
- Study on the choice of university in third year (Anne Boring, ongoing)
- Study on public-speaking by women and men (Anne Boring, ongoing)
Awareness-raising and training
The principle of gender equality is enshrined in several charters and regulations, in particular the student life charter (PDF, 357 Ko).
Campaigns are run on each campus and spanning all programmes at the start of the academic year to raise students' awareness of gender equality.
Training activities are organised for recognised student associations and initiatives, in conjunction with the Office of Student Life. See the relevant regulations adopted by the Student Life Committee (fr.).
A gender gap persists in the employment of Sciences Po graduates. Young women, who account for 60 per cent of the 13,000 students at Sciences Po, earn 15 percent less on average after graduation than their male counterparts. Read the graduate employability survey conducted by the Careers Services (fr.).
To actively support women students in launching their careers, Sciences Po has developed specific "Women's Careers" (fr.) workshops among the range of workshops offered by the Careers Service: public-speaking, attitude, salary negotiation, work-life balance, etc. These workshops are run in the fall and spring semesters.
In 2018, Sciences Po created the Chair for Women in Business, which is connected to the Centre for Entrepreneurship and partners with the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP).
Finally, specific career workshops for doctoral students are run through the Doctoral School.
Combating sexism
The university runs regular awareness and information campaigns on the subject for the student community and faculty, including poster campaigns, information sessions at the beginning of the semester, training sessions for association leaders, specific actions on 25 November and 8 March, etc.
Finally, Sciences Po has implemented a university-wide mechanism for combating sexual and gender-based violence, which provides confidential support to anyone who has experienced sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.
Our partners
In addition to being a signatory of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation's Charter for Gender Equality (Fr), and the first French university to earn the professional equality label awarded by national standards organisation AFNOR, Sciences Po has also developed partnerships enabling it to expand its impact in France and internationally.
Sciences Po is one of the ten universities worldwide selected as the inaugural Impact Champions of the HeForShe movement. Launched by the UN in 2015, HeForShe aims to mobilise men as allies in the fight for gender equality. The movement also engages the student community.
Finally, Sciences Po is part of several French and European gender equality networks:
Join the HeForShe Movement

Sciences Po, an active member of the UN HeForShe movement, is working towards three HeForShe commitments:
- Achieve 40 percent representation of each gender in management positions for administrative and academic staff, including within the Executive Committee
- Enable men working at Sciences Po to achieve a better balance between work and family responsibilities as partners and/or fathers.
- Develop programmes to support women's careers and employability and help close the gender gap in employment.
The HeForShe movement also involves students. In 2016-2017, the Sciences Po Students Office conducted two Ideathons focused on how to combat sexual violence in higher education institutions and on ways to combat everyday sexism.