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Sciences Po Health Centre
The Sciences Po Health Centre operates on all our campuses, with a team comprising general practitioners, nurses, psychologists and psychiatrists. It is available to the university community to:
- Receive, inform, advise and, where necessary, refer
- Administer certain routine medical services, on prescription or in an emergency
- Schedule medical appointments on site
- Provide psychological support
- Provide a quiet space to rest if required
- Organise prevention and health promotion initiatives
Appointments can be conducted in French or English and are free and confidential.
Please note: the general practitioners of the Health Centre cannot be declared as médecins traitants within the social security system, nor supply medical certificates for sports or absence from class. For this, please consult our pages: preventive Healthcare and list of near campus medical services and Making an appointment with an independent healthcare professional.
Appointments are held in Balkans office.
Infirmary (without an appointment)
Pino Iorfida, nurse.
Opening hours: Monday and Thursday from 6pm to 7pm.
Psychological support services (without an appointment)
Olivier Shu, psychologist
Opening hours: Tuesday from 4:45pm to 6:45pm and Wednesday from 10:30am to 12:30pm.
Anna Wallengren, psychologist
Opening hours: Monday from 10am to 12 noon.
The Health Centre is located at the back of the campus building and may be accessed directly from the outside.
Some doctors are available by appointment only: in this case, appointments may be requested by email.
Infirmary (without an appointment)
Juliette Chang, nurse.
Opening hours: Monday, 6pm to 8pm and Thursday 3.30pm to 5.30pm
Psychological support services (by appointment)
Isabelle Heizer, psychologist.
The Health Centre is located on the ground floor.
Some doctors are available by appointment only: in this case, appointments may be requested directly by email to the doctor.
Infirmary (without an appointment)
Khadija Baidar, nurse.
Opening hours:
- Wednesday 2pm – 4pm
- Friday 1pm - 5pm.
Email: infirmiere.menton@sciencespo.fr
Doctor - General Practitioner (without an appointment)
- Danaé Chaussois, Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm to 8pm
- Fanny Mamecier, Friday from 8:30am to 12:30pm
Psychiatry (by appointment)
Louise-Emilie Dumas, Thursday from 2pm to 6pm
Room 312
Email: drledumas.psychiatre@gmail.com
Psychology (by appointment)
Isabelle Orrado, Monday from 8am to 12 noon
Room 312
Email: isabelle.orrado@hotmail.fr
The health centre is located beside the Gabriel Besson lodge.
Infirmary (without an appointment)
Maryline Noël, nurse.
- Opening hours:
- Monday, 12pm – 2pm,
- Tuesday,12:15pm – 1:15pm,
- Wednesday, 4:15pm – 6:15pm
- and Friday, 12pm – 1:15pm.
- Email: infirmiere.nancy@sciencespo.fr
Psychological support services (by appointment)
Appointments are made directly with the healthcare professional: please contact the person you wish to see by phone, specifying that you are a student at Sciences Po on Nancy Campus. The telephone numbers of the psychologists were communicated to you at the beginning of the year by the Campus staff.
Fabienne Tenenbaum, psychologist, appointments in French: Address, 7 rue Callot à Nancy
Robert Bouchat, psychologue, appointments in French or English: Address, 44 rue de la Foucotte à Nancy
Isabelle Heizer, psychologist, appointments in German or English: on zoom only
The Sciences Po Health Centre is located at 13 rue de l’université (to the right of the courtyard).
The service is open every day, Monday to Friday inclusive, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Appointments can be conducted in French or English and are free and confidential.
Doctors are available by appointment only: book an appointment on Doctolib.
The Health Centre is also available by phone at 01 45 49 59 99 or by email.
Infirmary (without appointment)
Infirmary opening hours: Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm.
The infirmary is available to carry out certain routine or prescribed treatments and provide medical advice, clinical supervision and nursing aftercare. Where necessary, they can make referrals to other healthcare professionals both internally and externally.
The nurses ensure the development of prevention and
health promotion initiatives.
The nurses are a sexual and gender-based violence relay for students and is subject to professional secrecy.
- Victoria Verjus: from Monday to Friday
Doctor - General Practitioner (by appointment)
General medicine, addictions, tobacco and travel medicine consultations.
Appointments for students with disabilities (for specific
adjustments if needed) Preventive medical check-up
Make an appointment on Doctolib
Psychiatry (on advice)
Appointment with the psychiatrist can be made on advice from other health professionals of the Health Centre.
Psychology (by appointment)
Clinical psychologists assess the situation and offer, if
necessary, psychological follow-up over a few sessions.
They can refer the student to another place of care if longer follow-up is necessary.
The Health Centre is located on the ground floor, opposite the Rubén Darío lecture hall.
Doctors are available by appointment only: appointments may be requested by email.
Psychological support services (by appointment)
- Sabine Plouzennec, psychologist
- Jannice Humbert, psychologist
- Emmanuelle Doyen, psychologist
The Health Centre is located on the ground floor of the F Building (Bâtiment F).
Some doctors are available by appointment only: in this case, appointments may be requested on site or by email.
Reception opening hours:
- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9am – 1pm and 1:45pm – 5:15pm
- Friday, 9am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm
Infirmary (without an appointment)
Aude Chantegrail, nurse.
Opening hours:
- Monday, 9am – 5pm;
- Wednesday 9am - noon;
- Friday 10am - 6pm.
Doctor – general practitioner (by appointment)
Céline Boudville, GP.
Psychological support services (by appointment)
- Laurane Grand, psychologist
- Roberto D'Aprile, psychiatrist
In an Emergency
- Dial 112 for emergency services throughout the European Union
- Dial 15 for the SAMU (French emergency medical services)
- Dial 18 for your nearest fire station, which also administers first aid
- Dial 3624 for SOS médecin, a round-the-clock house visit service (calls cost 12 c/minute)
- Dial 3114 for any advice or emergency about Suicide
- Duty chemist/night pharmacies in Île de France (FR) or around France (FR)
- All hospitals have emergency services (FR)