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Preventive healthcare and near campus medical services
University Health Promotion and Prevention Centre (CPSU)
Available for appointments with a general practitioner, psychiatrist, psychologist, gynaecologist, nurse, relationship counsellor or for information, diagnosis and screening of sexually transmitted infections. The centre can also supply students with the necessary certificates for alternative study arrangements.
Address: 6a, rue du Recteur Marcel Bouchard – 21000 Dijon
Phone: 03 80 39 51 53
24-hour and weekend medical professionals
Phone: 02 32 73 32 33 or 116 117
Domus Medica
Duty doctor available every evening between 8pm and midnight, Saturday afternoon from 2pm to 8pm, Sunday and bank holidays from 8am to 8pm.
Address: 114, rue Jules Siegfried - 76600 Le Havre
Le Havre Dental Clinic
Address: Hôpital Flaubert - 55, bis Rue Gustave Flaubert - 76600 Le Havre
Phone: 02 32 73 35 85
Website: http://www.ch-havre.fr/enseignement/lh-dentaire-2/ (FR)
Association Terra Psy
Free appointments with a psychologist in multiple languages. Monday to Friday, 9am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm
Phone: 08 05 38 39 22
Website: http://www.terrapsy.org/ (FR)
CeGIDD (Free Sexual Health Information, Diagnosis and Screening Centre)
Appointments are made online (FR).
Address: 4, rue Victor Hugo - 06500 Menton
Website: https://www.departement06.fr/depistages/cegidd-06-11096.html (FR)
Bureaux d'aide psychologique universitaires (BAPU)
Address: 2, Bd Dubouchage - 06000 Nice
Phone: 04 93 87 72 78
Email: contact@bapunice.org
Website: https://www.bapunice.org/
Service universitaire de médecine préventive et promotion de la santé (SUMPPS)
Address: SUMPPS-Nancy / Campus Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Maison de l'étudiant - Pôle Santé - 23, boulevard Albert 1er - 54015 Nancy
- 03 72 74 05 71 (secrétariat médical)
- 03 72 74 05 75 (secrétariat social)
Opening hours: from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.
Website: http://www.univ-lorraine.fr/santesocial (FR)
Appointments with a psychologist.
Phone: 06 27 86 91 83
Email: rdv.apsytude@gmail.com
Website: http://www.apsytude.com/fr (FR)
University Health Service, Saint-Germain Campus (Service de santé étudiant)
The University Health Centre can provide appointments with general practitioners, gynaecologists, nurses, dentists and psychiatrists (appointments are made online (FR)). The centre’s doctors are also authorised to supply:
- Communal living eligibility certificates (Le certificat médical de vie en collectivité). This is mandatory for accommodation in student residences.
- University sports certificates (Le certificat médical pour la pratique annuelle d’un sport). Please bring a copy of your health record and your student card.
Address: Université Paris Cité - 45 rue des Saints Pères (1er étage porte T 145) - 75006 Paris
Phone: 01 42 86 21 29
Website: https://u-paris.fr/service-sante/ (FR)
Institut Arthur Vernes (Medical and Surgical Clinic)
Standard registration (conventionné) within the social security system; provides appointments with general practitioners, specialists and a medical imaging service.
Address: 36, rue Assas - 75006 Paris
Phone: 01 44 39 53 00
Website: https://www.institut-vernes.fr/ (FR)
Centre médical COSEM Saint Michel (Medical and Dental Clinic)
Standard registration (conventionné) within the social security system; provides appointments with general practitioners, specialists, dentists, and a medical imaging service.
Address: 3, rue Thénard - 75006 Paris
Phone: 01 53 73 03 03
Website: https://centre-medical-stmichel.com/ (FR)
Family Planning (sexual health, contraception, abortion)
Address: 10, rue Vivienne - 75002 Paris (closest centre to campus)
Phone: 01 42 60 93 20
Website: https://www.planning-familial.org/fr (FR)
Free anonymous medical screening centres (tuberculosis, AIDS, sexually transmitted infections)
Website: https://www.paris.fr/pages/centres-de-depistage-76/ (FR)
Psychiatric Support and Advice Centre (CPOA)
The CPOA is a regional emergency health service providing psychological support to anyone struggling with mental health issues.
Emergency Number: 01 45 65 81 09 or 01 45 65 81 10
Website : https://www.ghu-paris.fr/fr
University Mental Health Services (BAPU)
France’s BAPU mental health centres provide a space where students can access free support and counselling with qualified psychiatrists and psychologists. This service is open to students free of charge, upon presentation of a valid student card and proof of affiliation to the French social security system. Find out more about France's BAPU (FR).
BAPU Pascal (Health Foundation for Students in France))
- Address: 30, rue Pascal - 75005 Paris
- Phone: 01 43 31 31 32
BAPU Luxembourg (Red Cross)
- Address: 44, rue Henri-Barbusse - 75005 Paris
- Phone: 01 43 29 65 72
BAPU Centre Claude-Bernard, Rue Larrey branch
- Address: 20, rue Larrey - 75005 Paris
- Phone: 01 43 37 16 16
BAPU Centre Claude-Bernard, Rue de Bagnolet branch
- Address: 131, rue de Bagnolet - 75020 Paris
- Phone: 01 40 09 05 09
BAPU Centre Claude-Bernard, Rue de Ribera branch
- Address: 50, rue de Ribera - 75016 Paris
- Phone: 01 45 20 14 40
BAPU Grange Batelière
- Address: 13, rue de la Grange-Batelière - 75019 Paris
- Phone: 01 47 70 70 32
Poitiers University Health Service
Poitiers University Health Service Available for appointments with a general practitioner, psychiatrist, psychologist, gynaecologist, nurse, or for screenings of sexually transmitted infections.
Management of requests for alternative study arrangements.
Address: Campus, Bât. C4 - 4, Allée Jean Monnet - 86000 Poitiers
Phone: 05 49 45 33 54
Website: https://ssu.univ-poitiers.fr/ (FR)
University health service (sse)
Management of requests for alternative study arrangements.
Address: Moulin de la Housse - 51687 Reims
Phone: 03 26 91 83 20
Email: sse@univ-reims.fr
CeGIDD (Sexual Health Information, Diagnosis and Screening Centre)
Free drop-in centre, no appointment necessary
Address: Hôpital Robert Debré - Avenue du Général Koenig - 51092 Reims CEDEX
Phone: 03 26 78 45 70
Website: https://reims.cegidd.net/ (FR)
Mental Health Support Centre (CMP)
Address: 10, Rue Gaston Boyer - 51100 Reims
Phone: 03 26 88 53 41
In an Emergency
- Dial 112 for emergency services throughout the European Union
- Dial 15 for the SAMU (French emergency medical services)
- Dial 18 for your nearest fire station, which also administers first aid
- Dial 3624 for SOS médecin, a round-the-clock house visit service (calls cost 12 c/minute)
- Dial 3114 for any advice or emergency about Suicide
- Duty chemist/night pharmacies in Île de France (FR) or around France (FR)
- All hospitals have emergency services (FR)