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The Preliminary Internal Investigation Unit
What is the role of the Preliminary Internal Investigation Unit (CEIP)?
The Preliminary Internal Investigation Unit (CEIP) is the body responsible for initiating an internal investigation when it receives a report from Sciences Po administration of incidents likely to be qualified as being contrary to the provisions set out in the regulations and charters applicable to the various Sciences Po communities.
The CEIP bases its investigative action in particular on the following texts:
- Circular no. 2015-193 on preventing and dealing with sexual harassment in public higher education and research establishments under the authority of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research;
- The circular of 9 March 2018 on combating sexual and gender-based violence in the civil service.
- Decree no. 2020-256 of 13 March 2020 on the reporting system , which provides for the possibility of conducting an administrative investigation to ensure that the facts reported are dealt with, and the Order of 17 March 2021 implementing it in establishments under the authority of the Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
The CEIP is chaired by a qualified person from outside of Sciences Po.
Its composition is collegial: it includes two legal experts and representatives of the various Sciences Po departments appointed in each investigation according to the characteristics of the case.
In the course of the investigation, the CEIP objectively gathers all information likely to substantiate the facts brought to the attention of the Sciences Po administration and then, in complete impartiality, drafts a report with recommendations within two months. This written report is sent to the Director of Sciences Po to enable him/her to take the most appropriate decision in the light of the facts reported.
How does the pre-disciplinary investigation work?
Initially, the main parties concerned are summoned by the CEIP delegation in charge of the case. This includes the person who reported the incident, any witnesses and the respondents. The various hearings enable the CEIP to conduct an administrative investigation, gathering all the information needed to draft the investigation report. The hearings are conducted in accordance with the principles of the rights of the defense and the presumption of innocence. Prior to their hearing, the persons implicated are informed of the breaches of which they are accused in the initial report sent to the CEIP.
The persons interviewed may send the CEIP any information they consider useful in establishing the facts, and that are likely to characterise a breach of the charters and regulations applicable at Sciences Po: written accounts, telephone messages, emails, WhatsApp conversations, documents, testimonies, to the email address ceip@sciencespo.fr.
Following the various hearings, the CEIP, under the responsibility of its Chair, draws up a report which is sent to the Director of Sciences Po. Each case takes two months to process. However, this may vary depending on the number of people to be interviewed, the need to gather material evidence and the specific nature of the facts in question.
Hearings and their reports respect the principle of confidentiality. This principle must be respected by all CEIP members and the persons interviewed.
What happens after the pre-disciplinary investigation?
The recommendations issued by the CEIP provide guidance to the Director of Sciences Po, who alone has the statutory authority to take the decisions deemed appropriate. In this respect, he/she may:
This is the case when the Director considers that the information gathered in the course of the investigation is insufficient to establish the facts that have been reported. The data collected during the investigation may nevertheless be communicated, if necessary, to the police authorities in the event of a judicial requisition.
The Director may refer the matter to:
- the disciplinary section for “users”, responsible for students
- the disciplinary section for “faculty”
The report drawn up by the CEIP is then sent to the relevant disciplinary section and to the respondent.
This report includes all the reports and documents collected by the CEIP during its investigation.
- Respondents may be banned from the premises for a maximum of 30 days (or for the duration of the disciplinary proceedings if the matter is referred to the disciplinary section) if there is a risk of public disorder;
- Suspension of teaching if there is a risk of public order disturbance for 30 days (or for the duration of the disciplinary procedure if the matter is referred to the disciplinary section).
The Director of Sciences Po may decide to transmit the information at the same time as disciplinary proceedings.
Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: “(...) Any constituted authority, public officer or civil servant who, in the performance of his duties, acquires knowledge of a crime or offence is required to notify the public prosecutor without delay and to forward to this magistrate all information, reports and acts relating thereto.”