Home>The one-stop helpdesk becomes the Student Services Centre


The one-stop helpdesk becomes the Student Services Centre

Helpdesk 13 rue de l'Université (credits: Jean-Luc Baticle / Sciences Po)

The Student Services Centre brings together in one place a large part of the services that are not linked to teaching. Formaly located at 9 rue de la Chaise on several floors, the Student Services Centre will move to the first floor of 13 rue de l'Université in August. 

The Student Services Centre is made up of 3 main divisions:

  • The registrar's and tuition fees office
  • The Scholarships and students’ support office 
  • The Specific studies and Committee for social affairs Office

The two main missions of these services are:

The Centre welcomes the entire student population thanks to:

  • a unique and modern reception area ;
  • boxes for individual face-to-face and remote interviews
  • spaces for the organisation of events and workshops for students on everyday student life issues (students' social file, residence permit, application for housing assistance, etc.).

These spaces are connected via digital tools to facilitate the procedures.

The different areas will be accessible to people with disabilities:

  • access for people with reduced mobility ;
  • a magnetic loop in the reception area for the hearing impaired.

The Health Centre is located in the immediate vicinity of the Student Services Centre in order to facilitate the student experience.