Home>Study>Student Handbook>Procedure for changing to a preferred first name
Procedure for changing to a preferred first name
In accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Sciences Po has introduced a procedure to make it easier for all students to change their first name (on a certain number of documents) to their preferred first name.
This procedure:
- can be requested at any time during university life and does not require any particular proof of identity, nor the undertaking of an official / legal name change process;
- can be reversed at any time;
- once completed, does not need to be repeated each academic year.
You will find below a list of documents on which the preferred first name can appear:
- student card;
- examination result notices;
- registration, call and attendance lists (for seminars, exams, etc.);
- electoral lists, registration lists and lists of candidates for elections;
- student email addresses.
However, it is not possible to use a preferred first name on official documents and records, such as :
- diplomas;
- doctoral contracts and employment contracts;
- pay slips;
- individual transcripts (excluding examination results lists);
- certificates of achievement;
- school leaving certificates;
- work placement agreements;
- attendance certificates and diploma certificates;
- any other documents required by the Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie, CAF, CROUS, etc.
If you would like to change your first name as a matter of course, or if you would like further information on this procedure, please send an e-mail to emmanuelle.abele@sciencespo.fr.
Please note:
If the change of first name is officially recorded in the civil status register, you must send a supporting document (civil status certificate) to the equality officer so that all of your personal documents can be updated. It is also possible to re-issue your diploma with the updated first name recorded at the registry office at any time.