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Academic Integrity
Sciences Po is resolutely committed to promoting ethics, scientific and academic integrity, which are the pillars of excellence in its research and teaching activities.
Sciences Po's educational project encourages students to develop independent and critical thinking, intellectual honesty and respect for copyright and image rights in the use of sources. In this respect, the institution’s academic rules and regulations (article 12) and the academic integrity charter emphasize the high standards expected for any academic work (written and oral), in terms of personal reflection and the acquisition of humanities and social sciences methodology, with the aim of supporting student success. Failure to maintain academic integrity (in the form of fraud, including plagiarism, and attempted fraud) constitutes a fundamental breach of students’ academic duties, leading to pedagogical measures and sanctions.
For doctoral students, a research ethics charter which details best practices and obligations is also a supporting document.
Failure to maintain academic integrity (in the form of fraud, including plagiarism, and attempted fraud) constitutes a fundamental breach of students’ academic duties, leading to pedagogical measures and sanctions.
This page provides students with charters and reference texts on academic integrity, an outline of disciplinary procedures for breaches of academic integrity, as well as training courses and useful resources to consolidate their learning.
Charters and Reference texts
- Sciences Po’s academic rules and regulations (PDF, 140 Ko)
- Academic integrity charter (PDF, 224 Ko)
- Ethics and Scientific Integrity Charter (PDF, 180 Ko)
- Doctoral Charter (PDF, 203 Ko)
- Outline of disciplinary procedures for breaches of academic integrity (73 Ko)
- Education code
- Article : L. 612-7 al. 3 (Doctoral Oath)
- Articles : R811-10 à R811-42 (Disciplinary Committee and Sanctions)
Find out more about Sciences Po's ethics and scientific integrity policy
Sciences Po is equipped with a plagiarism detection tool, Ouriginal, which professors can access to ensure that the work submitted by students complies with the rules of intellectual honesty. For more information on its use, please visit the digital uses site.
Training courses
Academic Integrity Online Training (Bachelor, Master, PhD)
5 modules that are compulsory for all Sciences Po students.
- Students: Access to the training
- Faculty: Acess to the training
Training in documentary research, citing sources (textual and visual) and writing a bibliography: additional resources from the Sciences Po library
- Bachelor’s level:
- Master’s level: Module - Documentary resources: research methods and tools
- Other tutorials
On campus
- Module - Citing sources with Zotero
- Module - Droits et sources des images (in French)
Register for a themed training course.
Training in ethics and scientific integrity in and for research
Methodological support resources
E-College: selection of methodological tools and documentary resources (textual, visual, cartographic, etc.)
Library resources
- Thematic guides for using images (in French)
- Guide to bibliographic editing software: Organize your bibliography and pdf. with Zotero
- Research Data Guide
- Guide to scientific publications