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Master's preference procedure for students at the Undergraduate College
This procedure concerns students in third year, in last year of an international dual degree, in last year of BASC or at the end of a gap year between Bachelor's and Master's
To fulfil your study obligations during the spring semester, you must:
Step 1: Express your preference for a Master’s programme
This procedure comprises two steps
Send the documents (CV, 800-word cover letter +- 10%, questions about your motivation, language level certificate for English-track Master’s) requested by the School, using the following online forms. From 9 december to 6 january 2025 (by midnight Paris time). Please complete only one form:
- Law School
- School of Public Affairs
- Research School
- School of Management and Impact
- Urban School
- Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA)
- Journalism School
Record your preference via your online student account between Thursday, 16 and Sunday, 19 January 2025 (by midnight Paris time).
3 scenarios for expressing your preference:
- You would like to join a programme that is not subject to admissions committee, you may express one preference only.
- Your preference 1 is subject to admissions committee (Master’s at the School of Journalism, Joint Master’s and dual degrees): you must indicate a preference 2 that is not.
- Your preference is to request a gap year or if you decide to leave Sciences Po, please tick the appropriate box. If you would like to take a gap year between your third year and your Master’s, please also send a cover letter explaining your project before the 15 March 2025 (by midnight Paris time) at cesure.college@sciencespo.fr.
Your preference will be confirmed on your Sciences Po online interface by mid-June. You will receive a newsletter when they are ready to be consulted.
- Your administrative registration for the current year must be finalised before you can express your preference for a Master’s.
- If you do not record any preference (Master’s or gap year) during this period, we will consider that you do not intend to continue your studies at Sciences Po.
- The following programmes are subject to an admissions committee: Master’s at the School of Journalism, Joint Master’s and dual degrees.
Any questions? Please consult our FAQ.
Master's offered by the schools
- All master's offered
- To send the documents using the online forms: forms available from 9 December
If you do not have an official C1 certificate in English as listed here but you have the C1 level validated by Sciences Po - document to be downloaded via your student interface – this qualifies you to apply for an English-track Master’s
Dual Degrees Accessible at the end of Bachelor
For dual degrees available in third year, in last year of an international dual degree, in last year of Bascs or at the end of a gap year between Bachelor's and Master's information on admission procedures to dual degrees except for:
- The dual degree Sciences Po (School of Public Affairs)/HEC Corporate and Public Management:
- Applications to be sent to HEC before 28 February 2025 before midday
- Practical details (fr.)
- And the dual degree Sciences Po/École du Louvre:
- This dual degree is proposed to students in their 3rd year of Bachelor at Sciences Po who wish to apply for a Master’s at the School of Public Affairs (Master’s in Public Policy specialization in culture, or in cultural policy and management), or at the School of Research (Master’s in History)
- This application shall take place the year before the admission. In case of admission, it won't be possible to postpone it.
- Deadline for applications: 3 February 2025, before midday.
- More information in French online (the admission calendar will be available for consultation in mid-November 2024):
For the dual degrees accessible during your master 1 - Sciences Po/AgroParisTech, Sciences Po/ISAE-Supaero, Sciences Po/Saint Cyr Coëtquidan. More information on line.
The Orientation Path
A new platform is available to accompany you in your orientation: the Orientation Path. It will help you reflect on your professional project and make the right choices for your master's programmes.
This Orientation Path is available to you on Moodle. Follow these steps to connect :
- Log in to Moodle.
- Select “Other Courses”
- Choose “Orientation Path”
You will find a wide variety of resources on self-knowledge, the master's programmes, professions and the job market... log in now!
Step 2: Choose your languages and your levels
We ask you to indicate your choices online at the same time as your preference for a Master, along with the proficiency level:
- For languages already studied during your undergraduate studies, the level you have reached at the end of the last class is indicated on the page "Check your programme and language level" in the "Course registration" section of your student account. Make sure it still matches your current level.
- If you decide to start a new language at Master's level, you must evaluate your proficiency yourself. The language charters available online will help you to identify your proficiency level.
Please note that the choice of language and level is a prerequisite for registering online during the courses registration period.
Step 3: Submit your exchange report along with your transcripts, or the requirements for the validation of your internship
- Deadline for the submission of the international exchange report: Thursday, 15 May 2025 at the latest (by midnight Paris time).
- In electronic format: submission on Google Form link sent by email during April 2025
- Deadline for the submission of the international exchange transcript :
- Transcripts for Semester 5 : on receipt, with a deadline of 6 February 2025 at the latest (by midnight Paris time).
- Transcripts for Semester 6 (au final S5 + S6) : on receipt, with a deadline of 19 june 2025 at the latest (by midnight Paris time).
- Please send to (in electronic format): the Student exchange team at notes.sejour@sciencespo.fr
- The internship must last a minimum of four months full-time in the same host organization abroad
- Before you start the internship, you must have sent our signed internship agreement or a copy of your employment contract to Sciences Po Careers
- Your internship tutor must complete and sign an evaluation form in english (PDF, 389 Ko) or in french (PDF, 524 Ko) and send it to rapports3a@sciencespo.fr
- You must submit an internship report to Sciences Po Careers (see instructions on our website)
- Deadline: validation documents (report and evaluation form) must be submitted no later than two weeks after the official end date of the internship.
- Please send to (in electronic format) : Sciences Po Careers at rapports3a@sciencespo.fr
- For more information on these procedures: consult the page on internships for 3rd year abroad
Step 4: Complete both your administrative registration and course registration
- Administrative registration for the next academic year takes place in April. Consult the detailed timetable for administrative registration which will shortly be available
- Course registration for the next autumn semester generally takes place in July. Consult the detailed timetable for course registration which will shortly be available online.