FAQ on Master's preference procedure for students at the Undergraduate College
This procedure concerns students in third year, in last year of an international dual degree, in last year of BASC or at the end of a gap year between Bachelor's and Master's
Registration Procedure for Master’s preference and choice of languages
You are required to choose your Master’s programme and foreign languages from your Student Account following the following path: Academic services > Online course registration > Inscriptions spécifiques 2024/2025> Vœu de Master
Your administrative registration for the current year must be finalized before you can express your Master’s preference. For further information about administrative procedures, please contact the administrative registration office by email. Be sure to carefully fill out the contact information form so that they can identify your situation and provide you with an appropriate response.
You must record your wish via your online student account between Thursday, 16 and Sunday, 19 January 2025 (by midnight Paris time).
You have to send the documents (CV, 800-word cover letter +- 10%, questions about your motivation, and language level certificate for English-track Master’s) requested by the School, using the online forms on the website, from 9 December to 6 January 2025 (by midnight Paris time).
This compulsory step is not the registration, you have to express your preferences online between Thursday, 16 and Sunday, 19 January (by midnight Paris time).
If your preference 1 concerns a selective programme for which you must submit an application on the admissions website, you do not need to fill in the form for this selective preference. However for your non-selective preference 2 you have to fill it.
You have different ways:
- by providing external C1 certification;
- by providing the C1 level attestation validated by Sciences Po that you can download from your student account;
- if you attended le Collège universitaire in an English-track programme (Northern Europe in Reims, in le Havre or Menton) you can use this to apply for an English-track in Master – your school certificate is a proof;
- if you were abroad for your 3A in an English-track, it is a proof for your C1 level. For your application you have just to join this certificate available on your student account describing the country where you have been.
The programmes subjected to conditions are:
- At the School of Public Affairs:
- International Dual Degrees with the Master in Public Policy (in English): Columbia University (School of International and Public Affairs), Hertie School, London School of Economics, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (Toronto University), Bocconi University, Saint-Gall University, Graduate School of Public Policy (Tokyo University).
- Dual degrees in public policy with French institutions: École du Louvre (only in the field of Culture), HEC Paris (in French and English), Université Paris Cité (only in the field of Health).
- International Dual Degrees with the Master in European Affairs (in English): Freie Universität, London School of Economics, Bocconi University, Fudan University, Saint-Gall University.
- At the Law School (in French): Joint Master droit et finance (with the School of Management and Impact). Please note, however, that for this joint Master's programme, you must fill in the application form for the Law School or for the School of Management and Impact, indicating this programme as wish 1, and you will have to fill in a second form indicating your wish 2 (not subject to an admission committee).
- At the Journalism School: to apply for the Master en journalisme (in French) or for the Joint Master in Journalism and International Affairs (with PSIA, in English), please complete this form before January 21, the Journalism School's team will get back to you in order to invite you to an online interview.
- At the School of Management and Impact:
- Joint Master droit et finance (with the Law School, in French). Please note, however, that for this joint Master's programme, you must fill in the application form for the Law School or for the School of Management and Impact, indicating this programme as wish 1, and you will have to fill in a second form indicating your wish 2 (not subject to an admission committee).
- Dual Degrees with the Master Finance and Strategy (in English): Fundação Getulio Varga-Escola de Administração de Empresas (Brasil), University of Pennsylvania (Carey Law School), Saint-Gall University.
- Dual Degrees with the Master International Business and Strategy (in English): Fundação Getulio Varga-Escola de Administração de Empresas (Brasil), Stockholm School of Economics, University of Pennsylvania (Carey Law School) and Saint-Gall University.
- Dual Degree with the Master Communications, Media and Creative Industries: Fudan University (in English).
- At the School of Research: Dual degree with Université Paris 1 (Economis and Quantitative Economics, in English), King's College London (Global and International History, in English), École du Louvre (History, in French).
- At the Urban School (in English): Dual Degree with London School of Economics, UCLA and Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai.
- At the Paris School of International Affairs (in English): Dual degree with Columbia University (School of International and Public Affairs), Freie Universität, Georgetown University (Law School), IE School of Politics Economics and Global Affairs (only offered in the field of Technology and Global Affairs), Kings College London, London School of Economics, Peking University, Stockholm School of Economics, Saint-Gall University. Dual Degree with Sorbonne Université (in French and in English, only in the field of Environmental Policy).
It depends on the type of Master you are applying for. If you apply for a non-selective programme (besides masters offered at the School of Journalism, masters joints and dual degrees), you have to provide only one preference.
However, if you apply for a programme as subject to an admission committee, you must indicate a second preference that is not.
For more information: master's preference.
No. you have to write a specific cover letter for each choice if required.
For further information: Master’s preference for third year students.
You can check your preference have been saved through your schedule on the specific semester 2024/2025 via your online Student Account. No receipt will be send, so make sure that you have followed the required procedure.
For more information: wish of master.
Your Master's preference and choice of languages for the academic year 2025-2026 will be confirmed on your online student account by mid-June. Your definitive acceptance in the Master Programme will be confirmed only when the juries of the end of year will be kept. You will be informed via newsletter.
Yes. If you will have to express your Master’s preference only when you will be in your 4th year, during 16 and 19 January 2025, you have to connect yourself to indicate you are still in Bachelor.
You have to tick the appropriate box “gap year” from 16 to 19 January on your student account; it would not be necessary to fill the form from 9 December tou 6 January. However you must send a cover letter describing your motivations to do a gap year, before 15 March 2025 at cesure.college@sciencespo.fr
In the event you decide to leave Sciences Po, it is absolutely essential that you tick the appropriate box on your Student Account from Thursday 16 to Sunday, 19 January 2025.
Dual degrees
Dual degrees are subject to separate admissions decisions by the Admissions office. Therefore you must candidate simultaneously through the appropriate procedure and on your Student Account from Thursday 16 to Sunday, 19 January 2025 as your first preference. These are two separate but mandatory procedures.
For further information: admission to a graduate dual degree programme.
This procedure does not apply to dual degrees Sciences Po/HEC, Sciences Po/École du Louvre, Sciences Po/AgroParisTech, Sciences Po/ISAE-Supaero, Sciences Po/Saint Cyr Coëtquidan. More informations on line.
Not necessary. Some dual degrees are subject to specific admission procedures with different deadlines (often much earlier or after). For more information on pre-requisites and deadlines, please check the admissions website. However, as the dual degrees are subject to an admission committee, you must indicate on your Student Account a second preference that is not. Please note that the validation date of your application is the first date specified.
Dual degrees master's programmes are subject to specific admission procedures with various deadlines and subject to separate admissions decisions by the Admissions office. You will have to express your preference separately by validating an online file (you need to log in to using your usual Sciences Po username and password). Please choose the profile saying "French ungergraduate degree" and then "You are a Sciences Po student". If you apply for a dual degree Master's programme, you will be asked to enter your College's average grade on the enrolment platform. In order to obtain it, please contact premiercycle.troisiemeannee@sciencespo.fr. Do not forget to attach the email received with the "attestation for your College's average ".
For more information on pre-requisites and deadlines, please check the admissions website.
If one of your preferences is a dual degree, you must put it as your first preference and the non-selective programme as a second preference. You might be able to change later the rank of your preferences, however please note that as dual degrees are highly selective, your application as to be a very motivated preference.
If you are applying to the Sciences Po / École du Louvre partnership, you are not required to express your preference for master's degree or language, but you must tick the box “École du Louvre partnership, gap year”.
For more information: master's preference.
Foreign languages
Each program determines the language requirements for its students. We therefore invite you to consult your master's program to check how many languages you must study to validate your master.
You have to register your choices for languages from Thursday 16 to Sunday, 19 January 2025 to choose your languages schedules during course registrations in July. For further information, please visit the webpage: Charters & Timetables for foreign language classes.
For French-track programmes, it is compulsory to obtain a C1 level in English in order to stop learning this language.
In addition, the Master's degree is conditional on a C1 level in English. If you achieve it during your second year of undergraduate college of Sciences Po, you will keep the legacy of the C1 level achievement when graduating to Master degree as long as they have: attended a Master degree curriculum taught in English or followed and validated an English learning course (level C1) or a course taught in English in your French program.
Under these conditions, the validity of this certification will be extended until the end of your course, even if you take a gap year at the end of your Bachelor's degree and/or between your M1 and M2.
You may exceptionally request a change of language until the academic registrations by filling in this form. After, such request becomes impossible.
In this specially cases you must contact the Language Department by filling in this form by providing your username and the two languages you have chosen. This exceptional request which must be justified will be considered and may not be successful if there are no more places available.
Gap year
Yes. You must pay 25% of your tuition fees for the Undergraduate Programme to retain your status as a student of Sciences Po.
Yes. You must send a cover letter describing your motivations to do a gap year, before 15 March 2025 at cesure.college@sciencespo.fr.
Yes, you are allowed to one gap year during each academic cycle (at the end of your Bachelor's course and between M1 and M2).
If you did not make a final choice regarding your gap year, you must put as a first preference the programme you want and as the second preference the gap year.
Yes. After confirmation of your request by the Dean of the undergraduate programme, your preference for a master will be shifted in the following year. If your application is successful, you will follow your M1 studies in the new programme.
Other questions
No. You need to make a direct request to the academic advisor into the school you want to integrate, with the agreement of the responsible person in your school.
No. You must focus on the master you desire, and tick the relevant box only once.
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