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Going on exchange at undergraduate level
All Sciences Po undergraduate students complete an international exchange during their third year abroad. The exchange is intended to expand on the subjects of your multidisciplinary major in an international context.
Students continue their studies within the Sciences Po undergraduate framework at one of our partner universities, thanks to the 480 partnerships Sciences Po has developed around the world.
With this rich and varied network of partner institutions to choose from, students of all three majors can study in any of the five continents.
Below are the different steps to follow to help you prepare for your international exchange.
Plan your exchange
Helpful resources
To get you started on planning for your exchange abroad during your third year, Sciences Po offers a number of resources to help you understand the options:
- A search engine providing detailed information about each of our partner universities and partnerships, whether they are compatible with your undergraduate major, any language requirements, the departments whose courses are available to you, and other useful information from reports by Sciences Po students who studied there before you.
- The equivalence table comparing academic disciplines against the three Sciences Po undergraduate majors
Support from the International Affairs Department
We offer support at two stages to help you plan your international exchange:
Information sessions for each region or country are organised across Sciences Po campuses and available to all undergraduate students, live and on replay.
Each session is held in person on campus and streamed live, then made available for students to watch in their own time. You can find a list of dates and times at the link below:
Consult the information session schedule
For students in dual degree programmes, specific sessions will be organised:
- With Sorbonne University (faculté des lettres): see information session schedule.
- With Université Paris Panthéon Sorbonne: see information session schedule.
Individual or small group meetings are offered to all undergraduate students by the International Affairs Department, to help plan for your international exchange.
You can sign up via the links below, according to the regions or countries you are interested in.
Before your meeting, please fill in this form and send it to your regional manager if he or she asks for it. Completing this correctly will help us to advise you better.
You can also watch the recordings of regional presentations before booking a meeting.
Please sign up using the following links:
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Australia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, South East Asia, Central Asia
- The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland
- Central Europe, Balkan Region
- Canada
- China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India and Bangladesh
- United States (third year)
- Southern Europe
- Middle East, Gulf, North Africa, Turkey and Pakistan
- Nordic countries
- Baltic countries, Caucasus and Russian studies
- United Kingdom (London)
- United Kingdom (outside of London) and Ireland
- Austria, Germany, Central Europe and the Balkans
The resources and support offered by the International Affairs Department will help you to plan a tailored exchange abroad, which aligns with your choice of undergraduate modules at Sciences Po as well as your personal goals.
The aim of this planning process is to establish a list of six preferences from among our partner universities.
In the spirit of Sciences Po’s revised undergraduate curriculum, students can choose to study in any region regardless of their programme at Sciences Po, and are not limited to one country. You should be guided first and foremost by the options that will be most relevant to your academic interests and module choices.
Switching to a dual degree
During the autumn semester of your second year at Sciences Po, you can also apply to join one of our dual Bachelor’s degree programmes with Columbia, UC Berkeley or HKU.
These undergraduate dual degree programmes enable you to graduate with Bachelor’s degrees from both Sciences Po and the partner university, after four years of study.
Apply to study abroad
Applications for a third year international exchange in 2025-2026 will be open from 25 November to 3 December 2024, via Sciences Po’s online selection platform for outgoing exchanges.
Students can enter six choices of university. You must have a well thought-out plan for your studies at each of them.
Documents to include with your application
- Academic transcripts from your first year
- CV (in French or English)
- Cover letter (in French or English). This must be no more than two pages, and include the reasons for each of your choices
- Results of any language tests required by the partner universities you have chosen (see below)
- Academic transcripts for your Baccalauréat or equivalent final high-school examination
Language tests
Check the language requirements for each university you are interested in applying to, and whether any language tests are required. It’s important to plan ahead because it may take several weeks to sit the test and receive the results.
If you need to take an English language test, contact the Sciences Po Language Centre.
Please note that most universities require English tests taken within the last two years (24 months).
Receive a placement offer
Placement offers are based on a number of criteria: undergraduate academic results, language proficiency required by the university, the quality of your cover letter and relevance of your study plans.
Assessment of your academic level will depend on your grades from your first undergraduate year. Some partner universities may also require a minimum grade in your Baccalauréat or equivalent final high-school examination.
You will be personally informed of your placement early February 2025.
Gather the documents requested by your host university
Once you have been informed of your placement, you need to gather the documents requested by your host university. These vary from one university to another, and you will receive further details on these requirements at the appropriate time from the International Affairs Department. Please note that you will need the final acceptance letter from your host university to apply for a visa, if one is needed. We strongly advise you to wait for confirmation from the partner university before incurring any costs (for your visa, plane tickets, etc.).
Prepare your exchange
Regional information sessions will be organised by the International Affairs Department and available to all students from the month of March 2025.
If this affects you, please read the advice for students leaving on exchange, as well as the recordings and presentations from each of the preparation sessions for the region where you will study.
Find out more about funding options for your exchange abroad.
Get your exchange approved
Completion of your third year, in accordance with specific academic rules, is required for you to be awarded a Bachelor’s degree from Sciences Po, and to progress to Master’s study. Ensuring your exchange will meet these requirements is an essential part of that process.
Stay in touch with Sciences Po
- When you arrive in your host country, and throughout the year, stay in touch with Sciences Po especially via our social media (LinkedIn, X, Facebook and Instagram).
- Inform the International Affairs Department once you have arrived, and update your contact details (new address and contact telephone number while on exchange) via your Sciences Po student account.
- Check your @sciencespo.fr emails regularly, as you’ll be sent information throughout the year (academic requirements, applying for a Master’s, and other info).
- If needed, you can directly contact the relevant regional or country director in the International Affairs Department for specific support.
More than 480 University Partnerships
Contact us
Address: 56, rue des Saints Pères, 75007 Paris
- You are an exchange student coming to Sciences Po, please contact: candidature.echange@sciencespo.fr
- You are going abroad (the 3rd year of your Bachelor or the semester off-campus of your Master), please contact: sejour.etranger@sciencespo.fr
For more information, please contact the International Affairs team