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Student card
Your student card is issued once you have completed your online administrative registration (including having provided all supporting documents and having paid your tuition fees).

For degree-seeking students, your student card is valid for the duration of your studies. You will be issued with a new stamp every year which will validate your registration for the current academic year.
Your student card includes your family name as well as your unique Sciences Po student ID number (number of your student card).
This user ID number allows you to access your Sciences Po student account and to carry out important steps such as your administrative registration and course registration.
How to use your student card
Your student card is essential during your studies at Sciences Po, it allows you to:
- Access to the library facilities, borrow books and journals etc. Your library borrower's number is the same as your student ID number.
- Access secured buildings.
- Benefit from certain student reductions (transports, cultural activities, etc.).
- Pay for photocopy at Sciences Po.
It contains no information regarding your social security, additional health insurance and tuition fees.
What steps to follow if you have a problem
- If you are unable to scan your student card when borrowing library books (damaged barcode for example), please contact the service that issued you with your student card.
- If you are not recognised in the database, please contact the library on the ground floor at 30 Rue Saint-Guillaume.
- If your card is not working but is not damaged please contact the Helpdeask by Email at sos@sciences-po.fr or by phone at +33 (0)1 45 49 77 99. You should specify the number of the photocopying machine as well as its location.
- If the magnetic barcode is damaged (scratched, broken etc,) please contact the service that issued you the card for a replacement card. Warning: any money left on the card will not be refunded.
- A badge reader that flashes red indicates that your student card is damaged.
- Your card will not be damaged with the humidity. It should not be folded in half or cut up. It should not be worn in the back pockets of your trousers.
- Your card should remain in its plastic cover in order to preserve the magnetic barcode.
You can replace your student card according to the following conditions:
- Replacement of a damaged or lost card : 18 €
- Replacement of a stolen card: free upon presentation of an official proof (a copy of the complaint) in French or English indicating the theft of the student card
- Replacement of a student card which no longer works: free of charge;
- Replacement of a card issued for Bachelor degree for continuation in Master degree: 1 card free of charge.