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Being a high-level athlete (SHN) or a high-level artist (AHN) at Sciences Po
Are you a high-level athlete?
For many years, Sciences Po has welcomed high-level sports students and candidates in all its undergraduate and graduate programmes.
This status must be declared to Sciences Po at the time of admission for new students and prior to enrolment for students already enrolled, using this form. This declaration must be repeated each academic year and supported by the appropriate documents (proof of enrolment on ministerial lists or any other document proving sustained practice of the sports activity - at least 20 hours per week). Acceptance of this declaration - which is automatic for students registered on a ministerial list -will enable them to apply for the academic accommodations to which they are entitled by virtue of their status, and thus to reconcile their sports activities with their studies as effectively as possible.
Please note
Since the start of the 2024 academic year, a Bachelor's degree in Advanced Multidisciplinary Studies for Top Athletes (HEPTA) (FR) has been offered by ESSEC, Sciences Po and CentraleSupélec, in collaboration with the French National Institute for Sport, Expertise and Performance, INSEP. This programme offers top-level sports students the opportunity to follow a curriculum focusing on economics and management (ESSEC), enriched by courses characteristic of the other two partner institutions: data analysis (CentraleSupélec) and human and social sciences (Sciences Po), in a format suited to the pursuit of their sporting agenda.
Find out more about the Bachelor's degree in Advanced Multidisciplinary Studies for Top Athletes (HEPTA) (FR)
Are you a high-level artist?
Open to all talents, Sciences Po has decided to create, at the start of the 2023 academic year, the status of high-level artist to enable the students concerned to pursue two demanding paths.
To date, high-level artists (AHN) do not benefit from unified and official recognition. However, they do fall into the category of special needs students, according to the terminology adopted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
How to apply to become a high-level artist at Sciences Po?
Students wishing to benefit from this status must submit their application using this form between 1st June and 16 June each year. They are asked to provide a CV and a short presentation of their artistic project. They must be enrolled in an artistic training programme within a structure leading to a recognised diploma in the artistic practice concerned or demonstrate professional practice of their art.
Candidates newly admitted to Sciences Po can also request this status, following the same process. Students who apply on the Parcoursup platform must check the “confirmed artist” box and can provide details regarding their artistic practice when applying.
Once validated, this status allows students to reques to defer some courses to a later period with no additional tuition fees. The status and the modifications to the course of study, if applicable, must be renewed each academic year.
The selection committee, made up of arts professionals and members of Sciences Po's educational community, meets at the end of June and the results are published immediately afterwards, so that students who are new to Sciences Po or already enrolled can have confirmation that they have obtained the status before they register for classes. They can request adjustments to their course of study or any other support measures to their academic team before the start of the academic year.
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