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Internships & Careers
Sciences Po Careers: a dedicated service for all our students and young graduates
Whether you are choosing a profession, looking for an internship or preparing a job interview - Sciences Po’s Careers team, together with your academic advisors, are there to guide, counsel and accompany you every step of the way!
From your first day at Sciences Po up until two years after graduation, regardless of your campus, you benefit from a wide range of free individual and collective services. These are available in person or online, and they cover your internship or exchange periods.
Individual and/or collective guidance
Internships assistance
All year long, the Careers team assists you with your internship requests in France and abroad, to make sure your first professional experiences run as smoothly as possible!
Individual and/or collective career resources
You don't know what career to pursue? Which master to choose? How to find an internship, apprenticeship or first job? Have a look at the numerous resources available on our career website. Take a look at the Young Graduates Employability Survey, articles on job market and testimonials. Find advice on how to build your career project. Try out our powerful search engine for internship and job offers.
Career workshops
You need help to craft your application tools? Come to our career workshops facilitated by professional coaches and HR practitioners. They will tell you how to craft the perfect CV and cover letter, prep for a job interview, negotiate your salary, network on Linkedin...and much more! In groups not exceeding 10/15 students you will benefit from professional guidance - online or in person. We recommend you take part in at least one workshop a year.
Individual career guidance
You are looking for a more personalized counseling? Make an appointment with one of our career advisors. Using state-of-the-art methodological tools, they will help you build your career plan, fine-tune your internship search, or get ready to enter the job market.
Connecting with employers: career fairs & events
You want to meet employers and better understand their challenges, missions and professions? Find your dream internship or expand your network? Our frequent career events will put you in touch with employers. Come to our company presentations, breakfasts, job roundtables… Or attend one of our many networking events and recruitment forums, covering all sectors consulting, law, security and defense, international organizations, public affairs…
Opening hours
To get in touch with the careers team, just email us at scpo.carrieres@sciencespo.fr or call us on 01 45 49 50 50 (Choice N°2).
Reception on zoom:
- Tuesday 10am-12.30 Join the session
- Wednesday 10am-12h30 Join the session
- Friday 10am-12h30 Join the session
Reception at 9 rue de la Chaise :
- Monday 2pm-4.30pm
- Tuesday 2pm-4.30pm
- Wednesday 2pm-4.30pm
- Thursday 10am-12.30, 2pm-4.30pm