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Charters & timetables for Foreign language classes
The Charters specify the oral and written communication skills, as well as the linguistic structures which students must acquire mastery of at any particular level. They stipulate the number and the nature of the assignments which students are required to do, the levels of investment expected of them and the forms of support and advice which they will receive.
Language charter
View Arabic language charter:
Thematic Workshops
- UP n°50609 - Arabe avancé - Arabe de la presse et « media training » (PDF in French, 318 ko)
- UP n°58863 - Arabe avancé - Langage diplomatique arabe (PDF in French, 342 ko)
Please note: these courses are offered to students who have attained an advanced C1 or C2 level. They are theme-based courses aimed at improving students' oral, writing, audio and textual comprehension skills through the study of a specific theme. The online registration to these courses is similar to that of all the other language courses.
Language charter
View Chinese language charter:
An end-of-semester test for the A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels is held in week 10 of the semester (this is not a final exam but an evaluation of attainment). Information on this test will be provided in due course by the Language Department. The grade on this test is taken into account in the final grade for the semester.
Exemple of end-of-semester tests:
- A1 Level : Written material (PDF, 254 Ko), Audio file (913 Ko)
- A2 Level : Written material (PDF, 365 Ko), Audio file, sentences 1 to 5 (237 Ko), Audio file, sentences 6 to 10 (376 Ko)
- B1 Level: Written material (PDF, 364 Ko), Audio file, sentences 1 to 5 (1.3 Mo), Audio file, sentences 6 to 10 (1.6 Mo)
- B2 Level : Written material (PDF, 254 Ko), Audio file (913 Ko)
Language charter
View English charter (pdf, 172 ko)
Thematic Workshops
- UP n°53213 - Advanced English - Class, Humour and Eccentricity - British Society and Popular Culture (PDF, 117 ko)
- UP n°53693 - Advanced English - Reel Politics - Ideological Discourse in Hollywood (PDF, 120 ko)
- UP n°53694 - Advanced English - Oh! To be a Painter (PDF, 111 ko)
- UP n°53695 - Advanced English - Theater in English (PDF, 110 ko)
- UP n°53696 - Advanced English - Theater in English - Shakespeare (PDF, 115 ko)
- UP n°54760 - Advanced English - Literature, Society and (pseudo-)History - Heroic Fantasy - Fleeing or Fighting Reality (PDF, 125 ko)
- UP n°55302 - Advanced English - Creative writing in English (PDF, 140 ko)
- UP n°55303 - Advanced English - Poetry Workshop for Developing Linguistic Skill (PDF, 104 ko)
- UP n°56053 - Advanced English - Creativity and the Writers' Craft (PDF, 148 ko)
- UP n°57321 - Advanced English - Navigating Narratives from the Page to the Stage (PDF, 54 ko)
- UP n°57322 - Advanced English - How African American Women Affect Policy - From Truman to the 2024 Election (PDF, 148 ko)
- UP n°57323 - Advanced English - How the History of England formed the English Language (PDF, 119 ko)
- UP n°57324 - Advanced English - Liberalism, Conservatism, Vigilantism - Politics and American Super-Heroes (PDF, 128 ko)
- UP n°58892- Advanced English - The Avant-Garde Podcast (PDF, 117 ko)
- UP n°58893 - Advanced English - The Reluctant Fundamentalist - An introduction to 9-11 Literature (PDF, 120 ko)
Please note: these courses are offered to students who have attained an advanced C1 or C2 level. They are theme-based courses aimed at improving students' oral, writing, audio and textual comprehension skills through the study of a specific theme. The online registration to these courses is similar to that of all the other language courses.
Language charters
View French as a foreign language charter:
Thematic Workshops
- UP n°53711 - Français avancé - Le français académique (PDF in French, 213 ko)
- UP n°53712 - Français avancé - Analyse littéraire et écriture créative en français (PDF in French, 151 ko)
- UP n°53713 - Français avancé - Gastronomie et politique (PDF in French, 221 ko)
- UP n°55842 - Français avancé - Le français de la diplomatie (PDF in French, 411 ko)
- UP n°57971 - Français avancé - Langue et société françaises à travers la chanson française (PDF in French, 188 ko)
Please note: these courses are offered to students who have attained an advanced C1 or C2 level. They are theme-based courses aimed at improving students' oral, writing, audio and textual comprehension skills through the study of a specific theme. The online registration to these courses is similar to that of all the other language courses.
Language charter
View German language charter:
Thematic Workshop
Please note: this course is offered to students who have attained an advanced C1 or C2 level. It is a theme-based course aimed at improving the student's oral, writing, audio, and textual comprehension skills through the study of a specific theme. The online registration to this course is similar to that of all the other language courses.
Language charter
View Hebrew language charter:
Language charter
View Italian language charter:
Thematic Workshop
Please note: this course is offered to students who have attained an advanced C1 or C2 level. It is a theme-based course aimed at improving the student's oral, writing, audio, and textual comprehension skills through the study of a specific theme. The online registration to this course is similar to that of all the other language courses.
Language charter
View Japanese language charter:
Language charter
View Korean language charter:
Language charter
View Portuguese language charter:
Language charter
View Russian language charter:
Language charter
Sign language charter will be available soon.
Language charter
View Spanish language charter:
Thematic Workshops
- UP n°53669 - Español avanzado - Lengua y literatura del exilio y desexilio en el mundo hispano (PDF in Spanish, 146 ko)
- UP n°55812 - Español avanzado - Taller de escritura, la crónica (PDF in Spanish, 200 ko)
- UP n°55813 - Español avanzado - Arte del debate (PDF in French, 416 ko)
- UP n°58808 - Español avanzado - Lengua, arte y política en el mundo hispánico (PDF in Spanish, 327 ko)
Please note: these courses are offered to students who have attained an advanced C1 or C2 level. They are theme-based courses aimed at improving students' oral, writing, audio and textual comprehension skills through the study of a specific theme. The online registration to these courses is similar to that of all the other language courses.
Language charter
View Turkish charters:
Contact the Language Department
199, boulevard Saint-Germain - 75007 Paris
Student Reception (Entrance via the glass door)
1st floor, reception office 603, 604 and 604 bis
Office hours:
- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9.30am - 12.45pm and 2.15pm - 4.45pm
- Wednesday and Friday, 9.30am - 12.45pm