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E-Learning resources
Websites dedicated to e-learning are available for some languages taught at Sciences Po (English, German, French as a foreign language). The links you will find below will enable you to work independently and to reinforce the skills which are clearly explained in the language charters, at different levels (grammar, tenses, vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation, etc.).
English courses at Sciences Po offer the "blended-learning" option, which combines face-to-face teaching and e-learning sessions with: Useful Tools for Self-Study Purposes in order to practice actively the grammatical structures and the lexical aspects of the language you want to study.
Contact the Language Department
199, boulevard Saint-Germain - 75007 Paris
Student Reception (Entrance via the glass door)
1st floor, reception office 603, 604 and 604 bis
Office hours:
- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9.30am - 12.45pm and 2.15pm - 4.45pm
- Wednesday and Friday, 9.30am - 12.45pm