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Language tutorials
We offer you the following language tutorials which will complement your weekly language lecture and will be available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.
Tutorials are exclusively aimed at students who are enrolled in the corresponding language course. They are also available for "the prépa concours" students who are willing to train for the competitive oral exams as well as the students who are preparing the TOEFL English test.
A tutorial lasts 20 minutes. The tutorial is based on a one-on-one interview and is free of charge.
You need to register for a tutorial for specific dates. Your only obligation is to attend the tutorial if you have registered or to inform us beforehand if you decide not to come. If you do not wish to be enrolled occasionally but on a weekly basis, your registration must be renewed after three sessions.
The tutorial is not a course, but provides help on one or more specific linguistic points or to prepare for an exam. Please note that the tutorials do not generate ECTS credits.
Language tutorials can be held at Sciences Po. It is mandatory to make an appointment for all tutorials.
To request an appointment: please fill in the following Google Form (You have to use your Sciences Po email address and password to login).
For any additional information, please email at tutoratslangues.paris@sciencespo.fr.
Contact the Language Department
199, boulevard Saint-Germain - 75007 Paris
Student Reception (Entrance via the glass door)
1st floor, reception office 603, 604 and 604 bis
Office hours:
- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9.30am - 12.45pm and 2.15pm - 4.45pm
- Wednesday and Friday, 9.30am - 12.45pm