Studying at a graduate school
Organisation of the master's programmes
Master's programmes at Sciences Po's seven graduate schools comprise at least four compulsory semesters, with a few exceptions.
Dual education Master's programmes consist of two semesters of full-time study and two semesters alternating coursework and apprenticeship.
Students must successfully complete a certain number of courses (or modules) over the four semesters before being allowed to sit their final exams.
Each programme includes common core courses, courses specific to the concentration, language courses, a semester off campus, an innovative project and, as applicable, an internship report, a research dissertation or a period of study abroad.
Oral exam (the «grand O»)
The final oral exam is a deeply rooted Sciences Po tradition and part of the institution's identity. It is one of the culminating points of Sciences Po's educational model, which is focused on imparting knowledge, cultivating skills, and encouraging attitudes such as intellectual courage and the ability to deal with complexity.
Conditions of award of a master's degree
To be awarded a Sciences Po Master's degree, students must:
- have been registered in a Master's programme for at least four semesters;
- have fulfilled all the academic requirements;
- have completed two common core courses;
- have completed one economics course;
- have completed the specialised courses required by the Master's concentration for which the student is registered;
- have completed the semester "off campus", the apprenticeship period for dual education students, or the research dissertation;
- have achieved a level in English at least equivalent to C1 of the European Language Reference Framework;
- have passed the Grand Oral;
- have accumulated at least 120 ECTS credits.
Individual programme modifications
Students wishing to make modifications to their programme must seek authorisation from the Office of Academic Affairs via a written request on the student portal. Within the framework of the curriculum, the new programme will detail the definitive requirements for award of the degree. It is then the student's responsibility to respect this new commitment.
Possible modifications can take various forms: see article 14 of the academic rules and regulations (PDF, 136 Ko)
Seven Schools
Writing and Rhetoric Centre

Sciences Po’s Writing and Rhetoric Centre help students develop and enrich their written and oral expression in order to improve their skills in public speaking.