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Master's Degree

A Master's degree is awarded to the holder of this diploma under the conditions set out in Article D. 612-34 of the French Code of Education. It recognises a minimum of two years of study at one of our 7 Schools.

Conditions for obtaining the Sciences Po Master's Degree

As stated in article 42. of the school regulations (PDF, 140 Ko), in order to gain a Master’s degree from Sciences Po, students must meet the following conditions:

  • hold a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, or have obtained their Bachelor’s diploma from the Undergraduate college;
  • have been registered as a student throughout the period of their programme of study (see article 15);
  • have satisfied all academic requirements;
  • have validated two common academic curriculum courses;
  • have validated all specialised courses required by the Master’s programme in which they are enrolled;
  • have validated the off-campus semester, an internship for apprenticeship students, or a research thesis;
  • have attained English proficiency at least equivalent to C1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
  • have validated the Grand Oral examination;
  • have validated at least 120 ECTS credits.

Should a student fail to meet any of the requirements for the Master’s degree, he or she must register for an additional semester.

how to update your conditional status

The status of "conditional graduate" refers to various degree requirements that still require validation. To update your status, please complete the following, according to your situation:


If you are:

  • a graduate student confirmed by the session of the jury: as our institution is engaged in a de-materialization process, your graduation certificate will be available to download at the beginning of July via a link to a secure platform, which will be sent to your Sciences Po email account.
  • a student with conditional status (such as English language "C1" certification; confirmation of internship ; dual degree or study stay validation; completion of your administrative situation): your graduation certificate can be issued on request on line.

As the graduation certificate previously downloaded, all graduate students who have been confirmed by the juries of February and June will automatically receive an email in December, via your Sciences Po email account, with a link to a secure platform in order to download your electronic diploma (in French) and diploma supplement (in French and English). The diploma supplement is a document describing the knowledge and skills acquired by holders of higher education degrees. It provides additional information to that included in the official diploma, making it more easily understood, especially by employers or institutions outside the issuing country.

Once you have activated your account by clicking on this link, you will be able to securely access your official documents, which you can download and share as required with online recruiters. When hiring, recruiters regularly check the diploma and qualifications of their future employees, often directly contacting the student’s university. This secure platform therefore enables you to share your diploma on professional and social networks.

The diploma supplement is a document describing the knowledge and skills acquired by
holders of higher education degrees. It provides additional information to that included in
the official diploma, making it more easily understood, especially by employers or institutions outside the issuing country.

After having uploaded its electronic version on the platform, our official printed diploma can be requested online from Sciences Po, once only.

High point of their academic career for Master’s and PhD students, the graduation ceremonies bring together new graduates and their guests in prestigious company, including the President of Sciences Po and members of the administration. They take place at the beginning of the summer, a few days after the graduation jury. During the ceremony, graduates will be presented with a symbolic congratulatory certificate, prior to obtaining their official documents.

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