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Using Education Technology

Sciences Po provides you with a digital environment for working and managing your studies (student account (online administrative services), email, Google Apps, wifi, etc.) and a digital learning ecosystem (digital tools to use for your courses).

All your Moodle course spaces are fully managed by your teachers. They are available for the current semester or until the scheduled date.

For extended access or pedagogical questions, please contact your teacher.


Important: Before using Wooclap, please read the special terms and conditions governing its use at Sciences Po.

Wooclap is an easy-to-use suite of interactive tools (polls, MCQs, word clouds, brainstorming, etc.) to make your oral presentations more dynamic.



Join the Help sphere (in french, but question in english are welcome and will be answered in english)

This guide will help you manage a hybrid classroom in the absence of the teacher. It will show you how to start/stop the room's equipment and connect with your teacher.

First steps to the digital environment

Get a general overview of Sciences Po's digital ecosystem and learn how to master all digital resources and tools.

First steps to the digital environment (PDF, 370Ko)