Home>Pre-College Programmes>On-campus programme>Policies and procedures
Policies and procedures for Students, Parents and Guardians
As students participating in the Pre-College Programmes are minors, Sciences Po commits to exercising a greater degree of regulation over student activities and the organisation of daily life than would otherwise be the case for university students. The following page reviews some of the most important rules and regulations that apply during the Pre-College Programmes. For more comprehensive information about the Programme Rules and Regulations, please consult the Pre-College Programme Regulations (PDF, 183 KB) which will be sent to students admitted to the programme.
Programme regulations and academic integrity
Courses in the Pre-College Programmes are academically rigorous and require significant involvement on the part of participants. Class attendance is mandatory for all students, unless they are excused for medical reasons. At the end of the programme, students will validate their studies with a final exam and a group oral presentation. Transcripts will be sent after the end of the programme.
A certificate of completion will be awarded to students who:
- Fully respect the code of conduct and academic integrity
- Attend and fully participate in all classes
- Take the final exam
- Complete the programme and professor evaluation survey at the end of the session
Sciences Po does not award academic credit for the completion of the Pre-College Programmes.
In a case of suspected plagiarism, the professor must inform the Office of Studies and Academic Affairs and transmit the elements suspected of plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as when a student submits work that does not allow the reader to clearly distinguish his or her own thoughts from those of another author. This may include a copied phrase (of at least 5 words), a translation, or rephrasing that is improperly cited.
Code of Conduct
Sciences Po’s academic rules and regulations are specified in the Pre-College Programme Regulations (PDF, 183 KB) which students and their legal guardians must sign at the moment of registration. This document is intended to ensure the security and well-being of all students and the integrity of the university.
Any failure to abide by these rules will be considered a breach of academic integrity and will prevent a student from obtaining a certificate of completion. A serious breach of the code of conduct may result in expulsion from the programme. The determination as to whether a student has violated the code of conduct is made by program staff, instructors, and administrators. Students who are expelled from the programme will not receive a certificate of completion. In the event of an expulsion, tuition and other programme fees are strictly non-refundable.
Supervision and security
Participants in the on campus Pre-College Programme are supervised by a team of certified counselors (approximately 10 students per counselor), placed under the responsibility of the Head of Counselors. The role of the counselors is to ensure that students experience life at Sciences Po in the best possible conditions for learning and security. They are available to respond to students’ questions or concerns at all times. Additionally, counselors organise fun and educational activities throughout the programme. Finally, the entire programme takes place under the supervision of the Director of the Sciences Po Summer School.
Security is a foremost concern for the Summer School, and our team are on hand to accompany all participants throughout their first forays into university life in a context of a supervised, safe environment.
The city of Reims is a mid-sized urban area in the heart of a charming countryside region. The city boasts all of the comforts of a modern cosmopolitan city without the hassle and stress of a larger urban area. It’s a place where students feel happy to explore and discover French life. Students move on to Paris during the third week of the programme to visit the capital’s historic sites and attend classes on Sciences Po’s flagship campus. Counselors are present at all times to ensure that students discover the capital in the best conditions.
Finally, both Sciences Po campuses are located in safe and central neighbourhoods. Access to campus is restricted to the Sciences Po community; a Sciences Po card is required to gain entry.
Participation and Free time
The on campus Pre-College Programme is designed to be an immersive and holistic experience for our participants, and for them to live the College experience as a group. For the time of the programme, participants study, live and explore France together. They are expected to take part in all scheduled activities: not only classes, but also activities, meals, outings, weekend trips, etc. The Summer School team is unable to modify the programme’s schedule to accommodate student’s personal activities (outings, visits to friends or family, non-scheduled activities, religious service, etc.).
Participants are not expected to have visitors during the programme; this includes parents/legal guardians, family members or anyone who is not involved in the programme.
During the programme, students are allowed a limited amount of scheduled free time when they are not chaperoned. On occasions where students are given free time, they must get a counselor’s approval and adhere strictly to instructions, such as being part of a group, abiding by safety rules and respecting meeting points and return times.
Students will usually return to the residence at around 9:00 P.M. on weeknights, with lights out at 11:00 P.M. On weekends, students return to the residence by 11:00 P.M. at the latest, with lights out at midnight.
Prospective students
Contact us
Email: summer.school-at-sciencespo.fr
Phone: +33 (0)1 45 49 55 05