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On Campus Pre-College Academic Programme

   Pre-College students in class (credits: Cyrille Beudot)

"It was a truly amazing experience. I enjoyed the atmosphere and the philosophy so much, that I have no difficulty whatsoever imagining myself at Sciences Po in the future. The courses were extremely interesting and interactive, especially the Master Classes. I was very impressed by the classes and also by how Sciences Po managed to bring together such a diverse and fun group of people."

Luisa, India

The on campus Pre-College Programme is designed to introduce students to the key disciplines and methodologies of a Sciences Po education. Participants tackle rigorous academic content through an interdisciplinary lens, exploring current issues in international relations, political science and more.

The academic programme includes a variety of courses, representing about 35 contact hours in total, spread over the course of two and a half weeks. All the students attend the same core courses in the social sciences and take an elective course of their choice.


  • July 5th - July 22nd, 2025

Prospective students

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