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Student account
Online administrative services

https://scolarite-en.sciences-po.fr (or, from the top menu on the Sciences Po homepage: “Students” heading, “Student Account” menu)
Registered Sciences Po students can access their account from any computer. For more information on the correct login ID to use, see Authentication and login ID.
Your student account gives you access to a range of online administrative services:
- registration (preregistration, enter personal information, download administrative forms, obtain proof of registration, etc.)
- enrollment (online course enrollment)
- access to your timetable
- course evaluations
- access to your transcripts
- internship agreement requests
- choice of 3rd-year study abroad
- "scholarships, financial aid and housing” section
- online payment for sports activities
- and many other services
Each year, during your registration or reregistration, you can access all the documents you need through your student account.
Connection problem?
Write an email to sos@sciencespo.fr