You can reserve your seat online, using the form available here.
You can also make your reservation by phone or email; our team is here to help.
Anne-Sophie Luby
+33 1 45 49 54 72
To reserve online
We invite you to read here the rules for naming a seat.
Choose the seat on the lecture hall seating plan 
Four categories are offered according to seat location: platinum, gold, silver and bronze.
> Click here to see the seating plan
Choose the naming duration 
You can name the seat for 10 years or for 99 years.
The amount of your donation depends on the category of the seat and the naming duration.
If you live in France, your donation is tax deductible (up to 66% from income tax and 75% from real estate wealth tax).
Do you live outside of France? You also benefit from tax advantages: find out more.
Category |
Plaque displayed for 10 years |
Plaque displayed for 99 years |
Platinum |
€ 8,000
i.e. €2,720 after income tax deduction
i.e. €2,000 after RE wealth tax deduction
€ 15,000
i.e. €5,100 after income tax deduction
i.e. €3,750 after RE wealth tax deduction
Gold |
€ 5,000
i.e. €1,700 after income tax deduction
i.e. €1,250 after RE wealth tax deduction
€ 10,000
i.e. €3,400 after income tax deduction
i.e. €2,500 after RE wealth tax deduction
Silver |
€ 3,500
i.e. €1,190 after income tax deduction
i.e. €875 after RE wealth tax deduction
€ 7,500
i.e. €2,550 after income tax deduction
i.e. €1,875 after RE wealth tax deduction
Bronze |
€ 1,500
i.e. €510 after income tax deduction
i.e. €375 after RE wealth tax deduction
€ 5,000
i.e. €1,700 after income tax deduction
i.e. €1,250 after RE wealth tax deduction
Provide the information to appear on the plaque. 
Provide billing information 
We need the contact information of the person making the payment.
Tell us what data you’re happy to share with Sciences Po 
● Publication on the website of the name engraved on the plaque and its duration is subject to your consent; in the absence of consent, the donation will appear as “anonymous” on the site.
● If you decide to name a seat after a third party, you declare that you have the authorisation of the person or his or her heirs to use the name on the online platform and on the plaque, and release Sciences Po from any liability in this regard.
Complete the payment on our site 
Once the payment has been made 
You will receive a tax receipt for the amount of the donation.
The reservation is only effective, however, upon receipt of your payment by the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FNSP) and after we’ve confirmed that the person whose name is to appear on the plaque is an alumnus or alumna.
If you have made an error when providing the information, please contact to have it corrected.
If you change your mind after the payment has gone through, the plaque may be removed at your request but the FNSP will not return the donation.