
Hugo d'Assenza-David

Hugo d'Assenza-David is preparing his PhD in comparative politics, at the crossroads of urban studies, public policy analysis and STS. In his work, he contrasts the development of roadmaps for a transition to a circular economy with the resurgence of territorial long-term planning strategies based on the three metropolitan regions of Paris, Glasgow and Amsterdam.

Following the development of policy instruments as a starting point, Hugo analyzes the trajectories of material-flow diagnoses and the transformations linked to the return of biogeochemical considerations to local economies and governance structures. His research aims to provide new perspectives linked to the mutation of government action in a context of socio-ecological crisis and "new climate regime".

A graduate of Sciences Po, he is a member of the "Cities are back in town" research group and the Atelier interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l'environnement (AIRE). His research is supported by the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME).


Quand la matière fait politique ? Analyse des flux critiques et gouvernance des planifications territoriales dans les régions de Paris, Glasgow et Amsterdam, sous la direction de/supervised by Eric Verdeil (CERI) & Olivier Borraz (CSO)

  • Teaching

    • Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne - UFR de Géographie : TD “Enjeux Sociaux / Enjeux Spatiaux”, pour les étudiants en troisième année de licence

    • Sciences Po - Campus de Reims : Conférence "Introduction à la science politique", pour les étudiants en 1ère année du Collège Universitaire de Sciences Po (programme EURAM)

    • Université Catholique de Lille - ESPOL : TD "Public Policies", pour les étudiants de deuxième année de licence (licence européenne de science politique)

  • Web

  • Languages

    French (native) / English (level C1) / Spanish (B1)

hugo.dassenzadavid's picture
Main Publications

Contributions à des revues académiques

Joss, S., d'Assenza-David, H., & Serra, L. (2022). Eco-neighborhoods and the question of locational advantage: A socio-spatial analysis of French ‘ÉcoQuartiers’Cities, 126, 103643.

d’Assenza-David, H. (2023). Bourdieu in the city: Challenging urban theory, by Loïc Wacquant: Cambridge, Polity Press, 2023.

Contributions à des programmes de recherche prospectifs

d'Assenza-David, H. (2021).
Bruxelles: une ville productive et résidentielle. Editions du PUCA, Direction Générale de l’Aménagement du Logement et de la Nature (DGALN).

d'Assenza-David, H. (2023). Shifting circular: urban infrastructure and policy changes towards renewed territorial metabolisms. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ GmbH), on behalf of the Federal Ministry of the Environment of the Federal Republic of Germany.

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