Special Issue: Populism and Religion - Alain Dieckhoff et Philippe Portier (dir.)


Alain Dieckhoff et Philippe Portier (dir.)

Journal of Religion in Europe, Vol. 16, n°2, mai 2023, 153 p.

Our special issue examines the connections between religion and populism by taking seriously the sacredness given to “his own people” that goes hand in hand with the demonization of the “others,” of the “outsiders.”

Autour de la publication

31 mai 2023
Populist Movements and the Religious. Toward a Return of the Theo-Political?
Alain Dieckhoff et Philippe Portier

12 avril 2023
Nationalism, Populism and Religion
Responsables scientifiques : Anna Bonalume, Alain Dieckhoff et Emmanuel Kattan

05 novembre 2018
Populisme et religion de l'Europe à l'Amérique
Colloque annuel de l'Observatoire international du religieux

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