
Hélène Thiollet

Chargée de recherche, CNRS

Hélène Thiollet est chargée de recherche au CNRS. Ancienne élève de l'Ecole normale supérieure-Ulm (1998), elle est docteur en science politique (Sciences Po), titulaire d’un DEA en géographie (Paris 1) et d’une maîtrise de littérature grecque (Paris 4). Elle était post-doctorante à Oxford et ATER à l'université Paris Nord.

Hélène travaille sur les politiques migratoires et les politiques d'asile dans les pays du Sud, en particulier au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique sub-saharienne. Ses recherches portent aussi sur les crises et les transformations politiques liées à la migration et à l'asile. Elle enseigne les relations internationales, la politiques comparée et l'étude des migrations internationales à Sciences Po et à l'EHESS.

Elle est membre du comité de rédaction de la Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, de Migration Politics et de PARISS (Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences) et membre du comité de Journal of Refugee Studies.

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2024. Borders Start With Numbers: How Migration Data Create “Fake Illegals”. with Savatic, F., Mesnard, A., Senne, J.-N., & Jaulin, T., International Migration Review, 0(0). DOI: 10.1177/01979183231222169

2024. Migration Politics across the World. edited with Katharina Natte (eds), Routledge, ISBN 9781032601168, 166 p.

2023. Immigration rentier statesJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2269783

2023. "Migration as Crisis". with Céline Cantat & Antoine Pécoud, American Behavioral Scientist, 0(0). DOI: 10.1177/00027642231182889

2023. "The Making of a Crisis: Migration and Polarization in the French Press". with Reddy, M., American Behavioral Scientist, 0(0). DOI: 10.1177/00027642231183274

2023. Research Handbook on the Institutions of Global Migration Governance, edited with Antoine Pécoud (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 9781789908060, 450 p.

2023. "Is the forced/voluntary dichotomy really shaping migration governance?". with Ferruccio Pastore and Camille Schmoll in Handbook of Human Mobilities and Migrations, Ettore Recchi and Mirna Safi (eds.) Edward Elgar.

Portrait de hélène.thiollet
Publications principales


Research Handbook on The Institutions of Migration Governance. Co-edited with Antoine Pécoud (eds.), London, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.

Migration, Urbanity and Cosmopolitanism in a Globalized World. Edited with Camille Schmoll, Catherine Lejeune and Delphine Pagès el Karoui. Springer IMISCOE series, 2021.

Migrations en Méditerranée. Permanences et mutations à l’heure des revolutions et des crises [Migration in the Mediterranean. Changes and continuities in times of revolutions and crises]. Edited volume with Camille Schmoll and Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, CNRS Editions, 2015, 382 p. 


"The Making of a Crisis: Migration and Polarization in the French Press". With Michelle Reddy, American Behavioral Scientist, First published online July 30, 2023. DOI: 10.1177/00027642231183274

"Migration as Crisis". with Céline Cantat & Antoine Pécoud, American Behavioral Scientist, First published online July 6, 2023. DOI: 10.1177/00027642231182889

"Global encounters: exploring the political foundations of global migration governance". With Stefan Rother, and Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, in Research Handbook on the Institutions of Global Migration Governance, Antoine Pécoud and Hélène Thiollet (eds), Edward Elgar, pp.132-145, 2023.

"Theorising migration politics: do political regimes matter?" With Katharina Natter, Third World Quarterly, 43:7, pp. 1515-1530, 2022. DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2022.2069093

"Migrants and Monarchs: Regime Survival, State Transformation and Migration Politics in Saudi Arabia". Third World Quarterly, 43:7, pp.1645-1665, 2022. DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1948325

"Cosmopolitanism in Exclusionary contexts". With Laure Assaf, Population, Space and Place, 27:1, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/psp.2358

"Migration as Diplomacy: Labour Migrants, Refugees and Arab regional politics in the oil rich countries", International Labor and Working Class History, 79:1, pp.103-121, 2011. DOI: 10.1017/S0147547910000293

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