Terms and conditions of library bookable spaces

On Paris campus.

From 1ᵉʳ July and until the end of December 2024, the Library is experimenting with a new way of working concerning the reservation of individual seats. Only individual seats on the 5th floor and group work rooms in the Bibliothèque Saint-Guillaume are subject to booking. All other areas are freely accessible. This experiment follows the results of surveys carried out among our users.

Individual seats and group work study rooms may only be reserved for Sciences Po students.

Common rules for bookable seats and group study rooms

  • The booking deadline remains unchanged. Bookings can be made from three days in advance at midday.  
  • You must respect the seat number indicated on your reservation.
  • To confirm your arrival, you must "scan" the QR code placed at the end of the table (check-in) or ask the staff who will confirm your reservation for you.
  • You have 30 minutes after the start of your slot to confirm your arrival, otherwise the reservation is automatically cancelled.
  • If you leave earlier, scan the QR code again to free your place (check-out) or ask the staff.
  • If you are absent for more than 45 minutes during your slot, your place is deemed to be free and may be taken by someone else.
  • If you have any problems or need to be regulated, please ask the staff at the library reception desk.

Additional rules for group study rooms

  • They are reserved for groups of 2 people minimum to 6 people maximum.
  • Booking is limited to 2 hours per person per week.

Start a booking.

Updated on 28/06/2024

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