Perspectives on Contemporary Research on Educational Policy and Educational Choices and Pathways

Perspectives on Contemporary Research on Educational Policy and Educational Choices and Pathways

June 16-19 2014
OSC, 98, rue de l'Université
  • Sciences Po, la bibliothèqueSciences Po, la bibliothèque

The Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning and Education (CELE) and the Doctoral Programme on Educational Policy, Lifelong Learning and Comparative Education Research (KEVEKO) from the University of Turku, Finland, organise an international seminar in Paris in June 16-19, 2014, together with their visiting professor Agnès van Zanten from the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement at Sciences Po, Paris. The seminar gathers together doctoral students and leading scholars from both France and Finland.

The seminar is devoted to discussion of ways of understanding the rapidly changing landscape of education policy and politics in Europe and beyond based on contributions from a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives and from different national systems. The intention is to identify possibilities for and obstacles to education and education politics in new state formations where welfare states are being remodelled in different ways. It is also to raise questions about the changing role of the state and its consequences for understanding education policy and politics.
The seminar concentrates on two main topics, governance and choices and pathways, which are examined on different educational levels from basic to higher education:
• Supra-national and national governance of higher education and academic careers in higher education as well as of youth and adult education and Lifelong learning policies
• New governance and accountability of basic education
• Higher education students’ choices
• Parents’ educational practices and choices.

- Monday, 16th June: Research on governance of higher and basic education: comparative and national perspectives,
- Tuesday, 17th June: Research on educational practices, choices and pathways: comparative and national perspectives,

- Wednesday & Thursday: Visits to the Permanent Delegation of Finland to the OECD and UNESCO and UNESCO Headquarters.

Download the final detailed programme

Venue: OSC, 98 rue de l'Université (Paris 7th), Annick Percheron room. Public admission subject to availability.

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