Home>A new Executive Director for the Urban School!


A new Executive Director for the Urban School!

Following the departure of Guillermo Martin at the Executive Education of Sciences Po, Ilaria Milazzo takes over the executive direction of the Urban School.

Graduate of the École des hautes études commerciales de Paris (HEC) and Sciences Po, Ilaria began her career at Capgemini Consulting as a management and change management consultant in regulated sectors in France and abroad.

She joined Sciences Po Executive Education in 2015 as a programme manager, responsible for designing, launching and managing the training offer in Regional Transformations, Urban Development and Real Estate Projects. Working in close coordination with the Urban School, she has notably accompanied the two executive masters: Regional Governance and Urban Development and Real Estate Strategy and Finance.

In 2018, Ilaria was appointed Director of Public Affairs and Regulation, a position she held until today. At the head of a team of 10 people, she is responsible for the strategic, operational and commercial management of one of the three business divisions of Sciences Po’s Executive Education. The programmes developed cover themes related to regional and urban transformations, public management, ecological transition, health and social protection.

After 7 years in Executive Education, Ilaria Milazzo now joins the Urban School as Executive Director.

>To contact her:
01 58 71 71 53

Virtual Graduate Open House day, October 2024

Graduate Open House Day

On 19 October 2024: meet faculty members, students and representatives and learn more about our 30 Master's programmes.
