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Disability and Work

Research Team:

Anne REVILLARD (Associate professor OSC-LIEPP)
Célia BOUCHET (Phd student OSC-LIEPP), research assistant
Mathéa BOUDINET (Master degree in sociology), research assistant

Description of the projet :

The idea was to answer a call from the “Securing professional paths” chair at Sciences Po, which wanted to determine the state of affairs in workplace disability, and more particularly the research devoted to this topic. I took a multidisciplinary approach, considering works in sociology, economics, law, social psychology, history, and political science.

In this book Disability and Work, I share my observation that the disabled are doubly marginalized – in relation to employment and in employment. First, the marginalization in relation to employment is expressed in the high inactivity and unemployment rates that you mention: by comparison, the figures for the general population  (64% of active workers and 10% of unemployed).

It is important to add that unemployed people with disabilities are on average older, less skilled, and more likely to be in long-term unemployment. Second, the disabled are marginalized in employment: the disabled population is less educated than the general population, and often holds lower skilled, less prestigious, and less well paid positions; the disabled most often work part-time.

We created a website that provided reading cards drafted in French that drew on the international scientific literature. Five major themes were highlighted: discrimination, professional integration, the experience of disability at work, job retention, protected work, and supported work.

Poster of the project - May 2020

Publications :

Anne Revillard, Handicap et travail, collection Sécuriser l’emploi, Presses de Sciences Po, 2019.

Events : 

12/06/2019 : Conference Disability and Work organized by LIEPP, Securing professional paths chair and Louis Bachelier Institute. 

In the Media :

Travail et handicap: mettre fin aux exclusions, entretien avec Anne Revillard dans le magazine de la recherche de Sciences Po - Cogito n°7 du 6 juillet 2019.

Handicap et travail, interview d'Anne Revillard sur Xerfi Canal - La revue audiovisuelle de l'économie, la stratégie et du management du 3 juillet 2019.

Handicap : il est urgent de changer d'approche, entretien avec Anne Revillard dans Le Monde du 16 mai 2019.