Home>Research>Project>Les politiques régionales d'orientation, un vecteur de socialisation des jeunes aux règles du marché ?

Les politiques régionales d'orientation, un vecteur de socialisation des jeunes aux règles du marché ?

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The law of 5 September 2018 “For the freedom to choose one's professional future" encourage regional actors to design their own guidance policies and to develop specific instruments to implement them. The ORIREG project aims at analyzing the objectives pursued by regional guidance policies and at examining their enactment, reception and effects with regard to the diversity of policy contexts and beneficiaries. The central hypothesis is that regional actors shape their guidance policies with a view to socialize young people to the market: while promoting the freedom of each individual to 'choose his or her future', their action is particularly aimed at ensuring that young people behave as market actors and take greater account of economic expectations and constraints with regard to their future employability when making their higher education choices. Relying on research conducted in political science, sociology as well as information and communication sciences, the project is based on the in-depth case study of the Ile-de-France region, and in particular of two instruments of its guidance policy: the ORIANE digital platform, the “team for success” program.

Poster of the project - July 2024


  • Clément Pin, Agnès van Zanten, « L’injonction à l’employabilité dans l’orientation post-baccalauréat : quelle mise en œuvre et quels effets en termes d’inégalités entre jeunes ? », Congrès de l'Association française de sociologie (AFS), 8 juillet 2021, Lille, France
  • Clément Pin, Agnès van Zanten, “From Lifelong Learning to the Management of Educational and Vocational matching: French guidance policies through a regional prism.”, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 7 septembre 2021, Genève, Switzerland