Bio :
Research: -Social inequalities in education: the role of family background, gender and ethnicity -Labor market returns to education and the role of education for social mobility in dynamic and comparative perspective -Experiments in educational research, educational policies and policy impact evaluation -The validation of educational and occupational classifications for comparative social stratification research Latest Publications: - 2021 (with Clément Pin), "L'apport des méthodes mixtes à l'évaluation : une expérimentation randomisée dans le champ des politiques éducatives", Revue française de science politique, vol. 71, p. 391-412.
- 2021 (with Giovanni Abbiati, Giulia Assirelli, Davide Azzolini), "L'università conviene? Un'analisi dei rischi dell'investimento in instruzione universitaria nel sistema del 3+2", The Lab's Quartely, vol. 23 n°3, p. 207-245.
- 2021 (with Moris Triventi and Marta Facchini), Upper secondary tracks and student competencies: A selection or a casual effect? Evidence from the Italian case, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, juillet 2021.
- 2021 (with Moris Triventi), "Is vocational education a safety net? The occupational attainment of upper secondary graduates from vocational academic tracks in Italy", Quaderni di sociologia, 84-LXIV, p. 55-89.
- 2021 (with Estelle Herbaut, Mathieu Ichou & Louis-André Vallet) Social origins, track choices and labour-market outcomes: evidence from the French case, Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, avril 2021
- 2021 (with Marta Facchini and Moris Triventi) "Social origins, tracking and occupational attainment in Italy", Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, avril 2021
- 2021 (with Estelle Herbaut), "Explaining gender segregation in higher education: longitudinal evidence on the French case", British Journal of Sociology of Education, Published online 11 March. Paper online on Taylor & Francis
- 2021 (with Katherin Barg & Mathieu Ichou), "Relative risk aversion models: How plausible are their assumptions?", Rationality & Society, First Published February 20. Paper available on Sage Journals
- 2021 (with Denis Fougère, Clément Pin), "Social Origins, Shared Book Reading, and Language Skills in Early Childhood: Evidence from an Information Experiment", European sociological review, vol. 37, n°1, p.18-31. Paper available on Oxford Academic.
- 2020 (with Emilio Chambuleyron, Reka Vonnak & Guilia Assirelli), "Home-based shared book reading interventions and children’s language skills: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials", Educational Research and Evaluation, vol. 25, n° 5-6, 2019, p. 270-298. Paper available on Taylor & Francis Online
- 2020 (with Denis Fougère and Karine Martel), " Reading Aloud to Children, Social Inequalities, and Vocabulary Development: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial ", IZA Discussion Papers Series , n° 13458, 28 p.
- 2020 (with Giulia Assirelli), "Gender segregation in higher education: an empirical test and seven explanations", Higher Education, vol. 79, n° 1, p. 55-78, first online 3 september 2019. Paper online on Springer
- 2019, " Towards an Education-based Meritocracy? : Why Modernisation and Social Reproduction theories cannot explain trends in educational inequalities: outline of an alternative explanation", ISA eSymposium, vol. 9, n° 1, march.
- 2019 (with Antonio Schizzerotto, Giulia Assirelli & Giovanni Abbiati), "Nudging gender desegregation: a field experiment on the causal effect of information barriers on gender inequalities in higher education", European Societies, vol. 21, n° 3, p. 356-377, first published 4 march 2018. Paper online on Taylor & Francis
- 2018 (with Moris Triventi and Giulia Assirelli), Explaining Social Inequalities in Access to University: A Test of Rational Choice Mechanisms in Italy , European Sociological Review, vol. 34, n° 5, p. 554-569.
- 2018 (with Lucia Ruggera), "Educational equalization stalled? Trends in inequality of educational opportunity between 1930 and 1980 across 26 European nations", European Societies, vol. 20, n° 1, p. 1-25, published online 31 March 2017. Paper online on Taylor & Francis
- 2018 (with Giovanni Abbiati, Gianluca Argentin and Antonio Schizzerotto), "Information barriers and social stratification in higher education: evidence from a field experiment", The British Journal of Sociology, vol. 69, n° 4, p. 1248-1270, first published, 29 november 2017. Paper available on Wiley Online Library
- 2018 (with Giulia Assirelli, Giovanni Abbiati, Gianluca Argentin, Deborah De Luca), "Social origins, relative risk aversion and track choice", Acta Sociologica, vol. 61, n° 4, p. 441-459, first published 8 October 2017. Paper online on SAGE Journals
- 2017, « École et mobilité sociale : un rapport ambigu », Diversité, n° 187, p. 70-75.
- 2017 (with Lucia Ruggera), "Social closure, micro-class immobility and the intergenerational reproduction of the upper class: a comparative study", British Journal of Sociology, vol. 68, n° 2, p. 194-214. Paper available on Wiley Online Library
- 2017 (with Antonio Schizzerotto, Giovanni Abbiati and Gianluca Argentin), "Information Barriers, Social Inequality, and Plans for Higher Education: Evidence from a Field Experiment", European Sociological Review, vol. 33, n° 1, p. 84-96. Paper online on Oxford Academic
- 2017 (with Giovanni Abbiati), "Is university education worth the investment? The expectations of upper secondary school seniors and the role of family background", Rationality and Society, vol. 29, n° 2, p. 113-159, early view, 15 december 2016. Paper online on SAGE Journals.
Scientific Responsabilities: - Since June 2014, member of the scientific board of the Research Committee 28 in Social Stratification and Mobility. International Sociological Association. Editorial Boards: Regular reviewer for : European Sociological Review, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Sociology of Education, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia.
LIEPP Publication(s) :
Articles and Contributions to Collective Works
Laudine CARBUCCIA, Carlo BARONE, Coralie CHEVALLIER, Valentin THOUZEAU Unequal access to early childcare : What role do demand-side factors play ? A PRISMA systematic review LIEPP Working Paper n°138, 2023
Carlo BARONE, Denis FOUGERE, Clément PIN, Social Origins, Shared Book Reading, and Language Skills in Early Childhood: Evidence from an Information Experiment European Sociological Review vol. 37, n° 1, p. 18-31, February 2021
Carlo BARONE, Maxime TÔ, Grégoire BROST, Laudine CARBUCCIA, Angela GREULICH, Revue de littérature sur les politiques d'accompagnement au développement des capacités des jeunes enfants LIEPP Report, September 2020
Carlo BARONE, Denis FOUGERE, Clément PIN, Social Origins, Shared Book Reading, and Language Skills in Early Childhood: Evidence from an Information Experiment European Sociological Review octobre 2020
Carlo BARONE, Giulia ASSIRELLI, Emilio CHAMBULEYRON, Reka VONNAK Home-based shared book reading interventions and children’s language skills: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Educational Research and Evaluation vol. 25, n° 5-6, 2020
Carlo BARONE, Denis FOUGERE, Clément PIN, Social origins, shared book reading and language skills in early childhood LIEPP Working Paper n°93, octobre 2019
Giulia ASSIRELLI, Carlo BARONE, Emilio Chambouleyron, Reka Vonnak Shared Book Reading Interventions and Children's Skills LIEPP Working Paper n°98, december 2019
Giulia ASSIRELLI, Carlo BARONE, Emilio Chambouleyron, Reka Vonnak Shared Book Reading Interventions and Children's Skills LIEPP Working Paper n°98, december 2019
Carlo BARONE, Denis FOUGERE, Clément PIN, La lecture partagée: un levier pour réduire les inégalités scolaires? LIEPP Policy Brief n°44, septembre 2019
Carlo BARONE, Antonio SCHIZZEROTTO, Giovanni Maria ABBIATI, Giulia ASSIRELLI, Gender, information barriers and fields of study choice: a field experiment , LIEPP Working Paper, n°63, January 2017