New Light on the Nazi System of Extermination

"Selection" of Hungarian Jews on the ramp at the death camp Auschwitz-II (Birkenau) in Poland during German occupation, May/June 1944. Jews were sent either to work or to the gas chamber. The photograph is part of the collection known as the Auschwitz Album. See Auschwitz Album, Yad Vashem: "The Auschwitz Album is the only surviving visual evidence of the process leading to mass murder at Auschwitz-Birkenau."

 ©Photo : Selection of Hungarian Jews on the ramp at the death camp Auschwitz-II (Birkenau) in Poland during German occupation, May/June 1944. Jews were sent either to work or to the gas chamber. The photograph is part of the collection known as the Auschwitz Album. See Auschwitz Album, Yad Vashem: "The Auschwitz Album is the only surviving visual evidence of the process leading to mass murder at Auschwitz-Birkenau." The collection as a whole was first published as The Auschwitz Album in 1980 in the United States, Canada and elsewhere, by the Nazi-hunter Serge Klarsfeld, but individual images had been published before that – for example, during the 1947 Auschwitz trial in Poland and the 1963–1965 Frankfurt Auschwitz trials. It is not known when this particular image was first published. Date, May or June 1944, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Poland. Source Yad Vashem. The album was donated to Yad Vashem by Lili Jacob, a survivor, who found it in the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp in 1945.



Version française // English version


1. The first years, 1938-1941

  • Gerrit Hohendorf, Technical University of Munich: 

Die Vernichtung von psychisch kranken und geistig behinderten Menschen unter nationalsozialistischer Herrschaft 

L’extermination de malades et handicapés mentaux sous le régime national-socialiste

  • K. C.Berkhoff, University of Amsterdam: 

Babi Yar

Babi Yar (texte en langue française)


2. The endless radicalization, 1944-1945

  • Robert Rozett, Yad Vashem Memorial:

Hungary and the Jews. From Golden Age to destruction, 1895-1945

La Hongrie et les Juifs. De l’âge d’or à la destruction, 1895-1945

  • Daniel Blatman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem :

The Nazi Death Marches, 1944-1945  

Les marches de la mort nazies, 1944-1945

  • Anna Hajkova, Warwick University:

Women as citizens in the Theresienstadt prisoner community

Les femmes, citoyennes de la communauté de détenus de Theresienstadt

  • Nadège Ragaru, Sciences Po (CERI):

Les Juifs de Bulgarie et des territoires yougoslaves et grecs occupés par la Bulgarie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale

Contrasting Destinies : The Plight of Bulgarian Jews and the Jews in Bulgarian-occupied Greek and Yugoslav Territories during World War Two


Glossary :

- Conceptual syntheses

-  Definitions 

Sévane Garibian : Crime against Humanity // Crime contre l’humanité
Johann Chapoutot : Extermination camps (killing centers) // Camps d’extermination (centres de mise à mort)
Johann Chapoutot : Gas chambers // Chambres à gaz
Johann Chapoutot : Holocaust // Holocauste
Dieter Pohl : Mass crimes // Crimes de masse
Martine Leibovici : Banality of Evil (The) // Banalité du mal (La)
Johann Chapoutot : Concentration camp // Camps de concentration
Gerd Hankel : Crime de génocide
David El Kenz : Massacre // Massacre
Johann Chapoutot :Shoah // Shoah

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