The Struggle for Abolition
- Actualité Sciences Po
Can the genie be returned to the bottle? Kjølv Egeland's new book, The Struggle for Abolition, investigates the pursuit by states, civil society groups, and international organisations of nuclear abolition. Detailing the evolution of the institutional architecture for multilateral nuclear disarmament from the 1960s onwards, this book tells a story ofhigh hopes, broken promises, and clashing views of history, security, and the future.
PhD Thesis: Restricted Democracies
- Actualité Sciences Po
How do nuclear programs affect democratic states? In this dissertation, Thomas Fraise answers this question by investigating the development of nuclear secrecy regimes and their effects on mechanisms of democratic control in the United Kingdom, France and Sweden between 1939 and 1974). He argues that the security implications inherent to nuclear technologies constrains state officials to develop information control regimes to limit their vulnerability.
Nuclear France
- Actualité Sciences Po
Nuclear France: New questions, new sources, new findings (Routledge 2024) offers the first non-official history of French nuclear policies which goes beyond the divide between nuclear weapons and nuclear energy policies.
- Actualité Sciences Po
“Toxique” authored by Philippe and Statius named a finalist for the Albert Londres Prize, France highest journalism award
Repenser les choix nucléaires
- Actualité Sciences Po
Ce livre est une enquête sur la politique française de sécurité nationale liée aux armes nucléaires, du point de vue des logiques gouvernementales et des épistémologies qui les gouvernent, toutes deux profondément défaillantes. Elle arrive à point nommé et aurait dû être conduite il y a bien longtemps.