Benoit Pelopidas. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. "The closest we came to nuclear war". PIIRS public lecture. (A good overview of what would become our research programme)
Paris.Benoit Pelopidas.
Séminaire de recherche de la chaire d'excellence en études de sécurité de Sciences Po.
Discutant de Alex Bollfrass (Princeton University, USA), "The half lives of others. The democratic advantage in proliferation assessment"
Introduction and presentation of the USPC Security Chair
- Alain Dieckhoff, Workshop presentation: 00.00.00 – 00.08.03 (F)
- Benoît Pelopidas, Chair presentation: 00.08.23 – 00.26.53 (F)
- William Walker, Reflections on the relevance of a security studies chair focusing on nuclear vulnerability: 00.27.00 – 00.34.03 (E)
- Benoît Pelopidas, Presentation of the Chair’s members, activities, and publications: 00.34.05 – 00.41.50 (F)