
Introduction and presentation of the USPC Security Chair 

- Alain Dieckhoff, Workshop presentation: 00.00.00 – 00.08.03 (F)

- Benoît Pelopidas, Chair presentation: 00.08.23 – 00.26.53 (F)

- William Walker, Reflections on the relevance of a security studies chair focusing on nuclear vulnerability: 00.27.00 – 00.34.03 (E)

- Benoît Pelopidas, Presentation of the Chair’s members, activities, and publications: 00.34.05 – 00.41.50 (F)

- Roberto Cantoni, Short summary of the paper « What’s in a Pipe ? »: 00.41.52 – 00.43.53 (F)

- BP, Continuation of the presentation of the Chair + Presentation of panels: 00.43.55 – 00.57.00 (F)


Panel 1: Transnationalize French nuclear experience

William Walker, session chair, presents the panel: 00.57.08 – 00.58.34 (E)

 - Jayita Sarkar, New perspectives on French-Indian cooperation: 00.58.36 – 01.18.20 (E)

- Anna-Mart van Wyk, Links between France and South Africa: 01.18.54 – 01.46.20 (E)

- Anna Konieckzna, New sources on the links between France and South Africa: 01.46.30 – 02.00.50 (F)


- Béatrice Heuser: 02.01.02 – 02.06.20 (E)

- Roberto Cantoni: 02.06.25 – 02.15.00 (E)

Q&A Panel 1: 02.15.30 – 02.40.44


Panel 2: Advances on the governance of nuclear weapons in France

Thierry Balzacq, session chair, presents the panel: 00.00.01 – 00.02.50 (F)

- Benoit Pelopidas and Sébastien Philippe, On the Foundations of Nuclear Bonapartism: Gaullist networks, the French Atomic Energy Commission and the legacy of wartime clandestine action: 00.03.04 – 00.15.30 (F)

- Grey Anderson, French intellectuals and nuclear debate in the 1980s: 00.15.33 – 00.29.30 (E)

- Yannick Pincé, The French political debate on nuclear energy in the 1980s: 00.29.50 – 00.44.20 (F)

- Florent Pouponneau, The effects of the end of Cold War on French non-proliferation policies: 00.44.21 – 00.59.03 (F) 


- Dominique Mongin: 00.59.20 – 01.18.15 (F)

- Beatrice Heuser: 01.18.20 – 01.27.51 (F)

Q&A: 01.27.52 – 2.15.52


Panel 3: Security and safety: the temporal challenges

 Benoît Pelopidas, session chair, presents the panel: 02.16.00 – 02.17.50

- Miyuki Tsuchyia: An analysis of catastrophes from a comparative perspective: 02.17.54 – 02.37.13

- Julie Blanck: Governing the long term: the role of ANDRA: 02.37.15 – 02.54.40 (F)

- Leny Patinaux: The administration of waste burying safety: 02.54.41 – 03.10.25 (F)

- Benoit Pelopidas: The memorialization of the Cuban Crisis in France: 03.10.35 – 03.32.18 (F)

- Sezin Topcu: Governance of the French nuclear contestation: 03.32.25 – 03.57.55 (F)


- Karena Kalmbach: 03.58.00 – 04.09.25 (E)

Q&A: 04.09.31 – 04.29.39



Paris.Benoit Pelopidas.

Séminaire de recherche de la chaire d'excellence en études de sécurité de Sciences Po.

Discutant de Alex Bollfrass (Princeton University, USA), "The half lives of others. The democratic advantage in proliferation assessment"


Benoit Pelopidas. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. "The closest we came to nuclear war". PIIRS public lecture. (A good overview of what would become our research programme) 



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