
Hélène Le Bail

Researcher, CNRS
Phone: +33158717083 -

Hélène Le Bail is a research fellow at CERI since 2015. She has a doctorate in political science from the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po) and a master degree in Chinese studies from INALCO (National Institute for Eastern Languages and Cultures). She spent many years in Japan as a Ph.D student (Hitotsubashi University), as a post-doc (Waseda University), and more recently as a research fellow for the French research center on contemporary Japan, Maison franco-japonaise (Nichifutsu kaikan) and as an invited researcher at Kobe University.

Her research focuses on Chinese migrations (to Japan and France) and on migration policies in a comparative approach. Special focus is made on female routes of migration (marriage, reproductive labour, sex work) and on mobilization, collective actions and political participation of migrants and their descendants.

Ongoing research projects

PolAsie, Political Participation of Asian Migrants and their Descendants in France, main investigator, 2020-2024. Project funded by the ANR (French national research agency) and the Institut Convergences Migrations, 2020-2024.

Migrations, gender and class in areas under urban renewal , 都市再開発と移民・ジェンダー・階級——「ソーシャル・ミックス」政策と住民への影響に関する仏米比較研究 project JSPS (Japan Society for the promotion of Science) coordinated by Chikako Mori, Hitotsubashi University. 2019-2022.

• Rethinking the Nexus Migration and Sex Work trafficking. 移住性取引再考―グローバル化の苦痛の軽減をめざす調査, projet JSPS (Japan Society for the promotion of Science) coordinated by Kaoru Aoyama, université de Kobe, 2019-2023.

• PACE, The Politics of Migration and Asylum Crises in Europe, ANR project, coordinated by Hélène Thiollet, 2019-2022.

• Chinese-French populations in Paris: identifications and identities under transformation ( en (Ile de) France : identifications et identités en mutations), project Emergence(s) de la Ville de Paris 2018-2020.

Diasporic identities: Southeast Asian incorporation experiences in Europe and America. The post-refugee generations , Cooperation grant UC Berkeley-Sciences Po. with Khatharya Um (Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley) 2018-2020.

Academic associations

Fellow of the Institut Convergence des Migrations
Associated researcher at l’IFRJ-MFJ (Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise), Tokyo.
Associated researcher at PRIME, Meiji Gakuin University, 明治学院大学 国際平和研究所, Tokyo.
Associated researcher at l’IFRAE (Institut français de recherche sur l'Asie de l'Est), projet Migrations de l’Asie de l’Est, INALCO, Paris.

Other academic activities

Editorial committee Migrations Société
Editorial committee Cipango. Cahiers d’études japonaises
Advisory board ERC project « SEXHUM : Migration, sex work and trafficking »
Coordination of the research Seminar Migrations et Mobilités CERI-Sciences Po
Member of the research group Populations Japonaises
Member of Présage Sciences Po, Paris

Research Interests

Migration policy, Gender and migration, Mobility in Asia (Japan, China), Migration and collective action

  • Languages

    Japanese, Chinese
Main Publications
Last Publications
Link to Hal
Online Publications (CERI website)
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