Global realm
Professor Emeritus
Social history of politics
Central and Eastern Europe, Global realm, Western Europe
History and memory, comparative politics and societies, social movements, Second World War
Political participation and mobilization, Violence and danger management
Supervisors: Stéphane Lacroix and Philippe Portier
Thèse : Comprendre la restructuration du champ chrétien au Maroc
Religions, Ideologies, Identities, Methods, Aesthetics
Global realm, North Africa, Western Europe
France, Morocco
Political science
Sociology, Religious Sciences
Mineral resources, global warming, green extractivism, mining governance
Arctic / Antarctica, Global realm
Mining anthropologie, arctic studies, science and technology studies
Research engineer (HDR), CNRS
Islamism, migrations, pilgrimages, identity conflicts
Caucasus / Central Asia, Global realm, Middle East, Russia
Political science
International relations, sociology of religions
Identity and politics, The State and the transformations of the State
Professeur des universités
Security, Diplomacy, Multilateralism, Epistemology, Ethics
Global realm, Western Europe
Political science
International Relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, The State and the transformations of the State
Supervisor: Christian Lequesne
Thèse : Attirer les étudiants étrangers, en réformant la politique étrangère : une comparaison des transformations organisationnelles des Ministères des Affaires Etrangères allemand et français (1998-2020)
Global realm, Western Europe
France, Germany
Political science
Professor Emeritus
Theory of international relations, sociology of mobilization, sociology of conflicts, sociology of the armed forces and of the police, surveillance, security, freedom
Global realm
Political science
International relations
Violence and danger management
Supervisor: Christian Lequesne
Thèse : Diplomatie de parti, diplomatie d’Etat : Le parti socialiste français et la politique étrangère de la France au Maghreb et au Proche-Orient (1971-2017)
State-political parties interactions concerning Foreign policies
Global realm, Middle East, North Africa, Western Europe
Algeria, France, Israel, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia
Political science
International relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics
Sovereignty in the non-West; Political Violence; Non-state armed groups; Secularism and Religion in World Politics.
Global realm, Middle East
Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey
Political science
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, The State and the transformations of the State
Assistant Professor
Logics of protection, parrhesia, feminist theories, queer studies, critical security studies
Global realm, North America
Political science
International Relations, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Security Studies
Research Professor Emeritus
Foreign policy, defense, armed forces, war, democracy
Global realm, Middle East
Political science
International relations, political sociology
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, Political participation and mobilization
Research Professor
International norms, ethics of war, theory of international relations
Global realm
Political science
International relations, pholitical philosophy
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics
Supervisor: Thierry Balzacq
Thèse : Du droit pour protéger la nation. Le lawfare du Département de la Justice américain
National security, lawfare, cybersecurity, intelligence
Global realm, North America
United States
Political science
International Relations
Supervisor: Frédéric Ramel
Thèse : Être « grand » tout en étant un pays en développement : la diplomatie onusienne de la Chine depuis 2012
China, Foreign Policy, Multilateralism, International Organizations
Global realm
Political science
International Relations
Supervisor: Guillaume Devin
Thèse : Le changement dans les organisations internationales : le cas de l'Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM)
Migrations, International Organizations, multilateralism, change, civil society, NGOs
Global realm
Political science
International Relations
Professor Emeritus
International organizations, global governance, diplomacy, European integration, sociology of international relations
Global realm
History, Political science
International relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, The State and the transformations of the State
Supervisor: Chiara Ruffa
Thèse : Humanitarians in Blue Helmets? How the United Nations Integrated Humanitarian Action in UN Peacekeeping Operations
Peacekeeping, humanitarian affairs, civil-military relations, international law, peace and conflict studies.
Global realm, Middle East, West Africa
Lebanon, Mali
Political science
International Relations
Supervisors: Ariel Colonomos et Jean-Vincent Holeindre
Thèse : Les problématiques environnementales et climatiques dans les politiques de défense, en France et aux Etats-Unis
Environment and international relations, climate security, international negotiations, crises and conflicts, political ecology
Arctic / Antarctica, Global realm, Middle East, North Africa, North America, Western Europe
France, United States
Political science
International relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, Violence and danger management
Supervisors: Delphine Allès (Inalco) et Christophe Jaffrelot
Thèse : Recomposition des pratiques multilatérales en Indo-Pacifique : l'approche indienne du multilatéralisme stratégique
India’s foreign policy, Indo-Pacific, multilateral practices, regional cooperation, informal diplomacy
Global realm, South Asia
Political science
International relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics
Supervisor: Thierry Balzacq
Thèse : States in planetary spaces diplomacy: navigating the polymorphic concept of sovereignty at the turn of the millennium
diplomatie studies ; state sovereignty ; outer space ; air space ; the high seas and deep seabed ; polar regions ; cyber space ; history and theory of international relations
Global realm
Political science
International Relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics
International security, strategic studies, peacekeeping, US and French foreign policy, military sociology
Global realm
Political science
International relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics
Supervisor: Christophe Jaffrelot
Thèse : The Impact of Chinese Geoeconomics on Ethnic Communities: a Case Study of Pakistan
Geoeconomics, Geopolitics, Terrorism, Nationalism, Hybrid Regimes, Populism, and Non-violence.
Global realm, South Asia
China, India, Pakistan, United States
Political science
Comparative Politics
Humanitarian field, Migration, Citizen mobilization, Media and communication, New technologies
Global realm, Middle East, North Africa, Western Europe
France, Norway
Political science
International relations, international political sociology, sumanitarian studies, security studies
Senior researcher emeritus, CNRS
Nationalism, identity, community, minorities, diaspora
Central and Eastern Europe, Global realm, Middle East, Western Europe
Political sociology
Identity and politics, Political participation and mobilization
Assistant Professor
Adaptation to climate change, international climate negotiations, global environmental governance, small island developing states
Global realm
Political science
International Relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics
Supervisors: Luis Martinez and Roland Marchal
Thèse : International Interventions and State-Building in Somalia
Self-governance, State and society in non-Western settings, transnational governance, war on terror
Caucasus / Central Asia, East Africa and The Horn, Global realm, Middle East
Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen
Political science
International Relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, The State and the transformations of the State
Cultural globalization ; Cultural diplomacy ; The feminization of diplomacy ; Transnational professionals ; International trade shows and fairs ; Theories of international relations ; International sociology
Global realm
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, The State and the transformations of the State
Supervisor: Hugo Meijer
Thèse : An IPE comparison between the US and China digital policies
International political economy, digital economy, digital policies, economic history, capitalism
Central and Eastern Europe, Global realm, North America, North-East Asia, Western Europe
China, United States
Political science
International political economy
Supervisor: Guillaume Devin
Thèse : La production des statistiques internationales : le cas de l'Office des Nations unies contre la drogue et le crime (UNODC)
Quantitative sociology/statistics, critical cartography, international organizations, United Nations
Global realm
Political science
Sociology of international relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics
Supervisor: Ariel Colonomos
Thèse : Les Indicateurs Internationaux de Développement et la Construction d'un Monde Pluriel
Global realm, Latin America and the Caribbean, South Asia
Bhutan, Ecuador
Political science
International relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics
Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs (CERI) - CNRS Research Fellow
Foreign Policy Analysis, Security Studies, US foreign policy in East Asia, US-China relations, transformation of defense policies in Europe
Global realm, North America, Western Europe
Political science
International Relations
Research Professor
Imperial legacies and the formation of the State in the Chinese world, political economy of the partition of China, non-recognized States, international organizations
Global realm, North-East Asia
China, Taiwan
Political science
Compared politics, international relations
The State and the transformations of the State
1-Illiberal/Authoritarian Constitutionalism, 2- Global Constitutionalism , 3-States of Emergency, 4- Epistemology of Comparative Law, 5- Asian Legal systems
Global realm, North-East Asia, Southeast Asia, Western Europe
China, Singapore, Thailand
Comparative Constitutional Law
The evolution of Russian foreign policy towards the Arab world, The new political and geopolitical balances in North Africa, The crisis of the state in the Arab world, The Yemeni conflict
Global realm, Middle East, North Africa, Russia
Algeria, Lebanon, Morocco, Russian Federation, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen
Full Professor
Global nuclear history, French nuclear history, the role of expertise in the field of international security, construction, legitimation and contestation of the nuclear knowledge, the Anthropocene, international political theory (democracy in the nuclear age), memory and memorialization of nuclear events, oral history
Global realm
Political science
International relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, Violence and danger management
Research Professor
Narratives in international politics, from the global to the planetary, Japan in Northeast Asia, Connectivity geopolitics
Global realm, North-East Asia
Political science
International relations and planetary politics
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, Identity and politics
Supervisor: Ariel Colonomos
Thèse : La politique de ciblage nucléaire des États-Unis face au droit des conflits armés
Ethics of war, Just war, Law of Armed Conflict, Nuclear and deterrence strategy, International Political Theory
Global realm
United States
Political science
International Relations
Supervisors: Ariel Colonomos et Thierry Balzacq
Thèse : Secrecy and unveiling in international relations: the reconfigurations of the norm of secrecy in the Western world
The norm of secrecy in IR, normative debates in IR, history of secret services, intelligence service cooperation
Global realm, North America, Western Europe
France, United Kingdom, United States
Political science
International relations
The State and the transformations of the State
Full Professor
International organizations and multilateralism, international security, contemporary strategic concepts, art and international relations
Global realm
Political science
International relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, Violence and danger management
Supervisor: Thierry Balzacq
Thèse : Sovereignty practices in the interactions between states and digital platforms
Global realm
Political science
Supervisor: Ariel Colonomos
Thèse : The Security Dilemma in the Information Age of Uncertainty
Arms control, norms of responsible behavior, cyberspace, outer space, uncertainty
Global realm
Political science
International Relations
Supervisor: Guillaume Devin
Thèse : Revisiter l’histoire de l’intégration européenne : le poids des structures et des conjonctures internationales
Green finance, agriculture, price stability, regulation, scale, European Union, Global South
Global realm, North America, Western Europe
France, United States
Political science
International relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics
Supervisor: Hugo Meijer
Thèse : Comparative Economic Statecraft: How State-Business Relations Shape Modern Great Power Competition
Economic Statecraft, Industrial Policy, Global Value Chains, International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Foreign Policy
Central and Eastern Europe, Global realm, Latin America and the Caribbean, Western Europe
France, Germany
Political science
International Political Economy, Comparative Political Economy, International Relations
Senior researcher emeritus, CNRS
Genocide and mass violence, survival and rescue in genocidal situations, civil resistance
Global realm
History, Political science
Identity and politics, Violence and danger management
Research Professor
History of the IMF, history of the "second globalization", history of global commercial arbitration and history of economic policies
Global realm
Economic history, political history
The State and the transformations of the State
Contact(s) : -
Supervisor: Carola Klöck
Thèse : Beyond coalitions: Small states in international climate negotiations
Negotiation, transnational climate governance, UNFCCC, small states
Global realm, Latin America and the Caribbean, Oceania
Political science
International Relations
Researcher, CNRS
Migration policies in the South, global governance of mobilities
East Africa and The Horn, Global realm, Middle East
Geography, Political science
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, The State and the transformations of the State
Professor Emeritus
Foreign policy, strategies of influence, Russia-Eurasia and Russia-Europe relations, wars and conflicts in the post-Soviet space
Central and Eastern Europe, Global realm, Russia
Russian Federation, Ukraine
History, Political science
International relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics
Supervisor: Frédéric Ramel
Thèse : Humanitarian Norms and Global South Organisations: the challenges of self-regulation. Experiences of the ECCO standard of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Africa (2009-2019)
Central Africa, East Africa and The Horn, Global realm, Middle East, West Africa
Political science
International Relations
Global realm
Political science
Critical Security Studies
Full Professor
Political ecology and crises of urban infrastructures, urban metabolism, cities and governance, energy issues in the South
Global realm, Middle East, North Africa
Lebanon, Tunisia
Urban Geography
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, Identity and politics
Supervisor: Frédéric Ramel
Thèse : Rethinking climate vulnerabilities: children's turbulent participation in international cooperation
Childhood and youth, Feminism, Vulnerability, International cooperation, Climate and environment
Global realm
Political science
International relations
Full Professor
Linguistics policies, nationalism, borders, religion
Global realm
Political science
Political theory
Identity and politics
Senior researcher emeritus, CNRS
Globalisation of migrations, Migration and international relations
Global realm
Political science
Globalisation of migrations, Migration and international relations
The State and the transformations of the State
Supervisor: Françoise Mengin
Thèse : Chinese Attitudes towards African Immigrants: Chinese Nationalism and Racial Discourses in a Globalized Age
Racial studies; Chinese nationalism; China-African relations; race and international law
Global realm, North-East Asia
Political science
Comparative politics; political sociology