
Nadia Marzouki

Research Fellow, CNRS
Phone: +33158717067 -

Dr. Nadia Marzouki holds a doctorate in political science from Sciences Po (2008) and is a research fellow at CNRS.

Her research and publications focus on the relationship between religion and politics primarily in European, North American, and North African contexts. She has done field research in the United States, Italy, Algeria, and Tunisia. Her work, drawing on qualitative methods, brings together perspectives from political sociology, sociology of religion, law, and political theory. She is committed to comparative and transversal research.

Dr. Marzouki is the author of Islam, an American Religion (Columbia University Press in 2017). She co-edited Religious Conversions in the Mediterranean World (Palgrave, Macmillan, 2013) with Olivier Roy. She co-edited Saving the People, How Populists Hijack Religion (Hurst and Oxford University Press, 2017) with Olivier Roy and Duncan McDonnell. She co-edited Politiques de Lutte contre la Radicalisation (Presses de Sciences Po, 2022) with Juliette Galonnier et Stéphane Lacroix.

Dr. Marzouki is currently preparing a manuscript (for the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) exploring how theo-moral mobilizations of civil disobedience create new democratic imaginaries and spaces. This book project draws upon a five year multi- sited fieldwork in the US (in North Carolina and Pennsylvania), Italy, and Tunisia.

From 2012 to 2016, Dr. Marzouki was part of the research team of the ReligioWest project, funded by the European Research Council and directed by Olivier Roy. She spent a year as a visiting fellow at the Ash Center of Harvard University's Kennedy School (2016-2017). In spring 2018, she taught a course entitled Muslims in the United States: Contests over Religious Freedom and Citizenship at Yale University Law School. During the year 2023-2024, she was a member of the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. At Sciences Po, she is a member of the scientific advisory board of the Chaire d'Étude sur le Fait Religieux and of the scientific advisory board of the Middle East and North Africa Program. She was a member of CERI's Conseil d’Unité (2019-2023).

Dr Marzouki values policy and public facing work that bridges the gap between academia and the public. Between 2018 and 2023, she led the CNRS-funded IRN (International Research Network) Contextualizing Radicalization-The Politics of Violent Extremism (2018-2023). She founded and led the CNRS funded network RTP (Réseau Thématiques Pluridisciplinaire) “Islams et chercheurs dans la cité” between 2016 and 2020.

Dr. Marzouki has supervised master students and is co-supervising PhD students working on religious practice and the politics of religion in North Africa or Europe. In Spring 2024, she will teach a core course for the Master’s Common Academic Curriculum on Religion and Populism at Science Po.

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My Country was a Dictatorship Before. This Feels WorseNew York Times, 17 mai 2023.

How to be a Prophet?Public Books, 15 mars 2022.

Whatever Happened to Dignity? The Politics of Citizenship in Post-Revolution TunisiaMERIP Middle East Report, 01 décembre 2021.

nadia.marzouki's picture
Main Publications

The Great, Gray City of Light. Journal of Law and Religion, 2022, 37 (2), pp.250-258. DOI: 10.1017/jlr.2022.25

How to be a Prophet? Public Books, 2022.

[avec/with Juliette Galonnier & Stéphane Lacroix] Politiques de lutte contre la radicalisation (dir.), Presses de Sciences Po (L'Enjeu mondial), 2022, 188 pages.

Whatever Happened to Dignity? The Politics of Citizenship in Post-Revolution TunisiaMiddle East Report Online, December 01, 2021.

Islam, an American Religion. Columbia University Press, 2017, 288 pages.

[avec/with Olivier Roy & Duncan McDonnell] Saving the People. How Populists Hijack Religion, Hurst Publishers, 2016, 288 pages.

[avec/with Olivier Roy] Religious Conversions in the Mediterranean World, Palgrave Macmillan (Islam and Nationalism), 2013, 193 pages.

L'Islam, une religion américaine ?, Editions Seuil (La Couleur des idées), 2013, 320 pages.

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