Catherine Wihtol De Wenden
Senior researcher emeritus, CNRSPhone: +33158717057 -
Catherine Withol de Wenden is Director of research at CNRS (CERI).
For 30 years she has been a researcher on international migration, from a Political Science and Public Law approach. She studied in Sciences-Po Paris and University Paris I (Panthéon- Sorbonne) She got her Ph D in Political Science in 1986. She has published 20 books, alone or as co-writer and around 150 articles.
She is also teaching at Sciences-Po, at the University La Sapienza and LUISS in Rome and she has been President of the Research Committee Migration of ISA – International Sociological Association – (2002-2008) and expert for several international organisations (UNHCR, Council of Europe and European Commission). Her distinctions are Chevalier de la légion d’honneur (2014) and médaille d’honneur du CNRS (2017).
For 30 years she has been a researcher on international migration, from a Political Science and Public Law approach. She studied in Sciences-Po Paris and University Paris I (Panthéon- Sorbonne) She got her Ph D in Political Science in 1986. She has published 20 books, alone or as co-writer and around 150 articles.
She is also teaching at Sciences-Po, at the University La Sapienza and LUISS in Rome and she has been President of the Research Committee Migration of ISA – International Sociological Association – (2002-2008) and expert for several international organisations (UNHCR, Council of Europe and European Commission). Her distinctions are Chevalier de la légion d’honneur (2014) and médaille d’honneur du CNRS (2017).
Work in Progress
Globalization of migrations ; Migrations and international relations
Research Interests
Migrations and representations of alterity
- Establishment : Sciences Po, title : "L’Europe et ses migrations de l’Atlantique à L’Oural", (level : master),
- Establishment : Sciences Po, title : "Migrations et régulations internationales" , (level : master),
- Establishment : Sciences Po, title : "Migrations internationales", (level : master) -
English, French

Main Publications
- Migrations en Méditerranée (Direction d'ouvrage)
Last Publications
- Quel accueil pour les réfugiés Afghans ? (Contribution à un site web)
- Le nouveau Pacte européen sur l'immigration et l'asile peut-il répondre aux prochains défis migratoires ? (Working Paper)
- Citizenship and Migration in a Globalized World (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- La liberté de circuler réservée aux plus riches (Chapitre d’ouvrage)
- Citizenship and migration in a globalized world (Chapitre d’ouvrage)
- Minorités, quelle place et quels droits dans les États-nations ? (Article dans une revue sans comité de lecture)
- Atlas des migrations. De nouvelles solidarités à construire (Ouvrage)
- Les failles de l’enracinement comme projet politique (Article dans une revue sans comité de lecture)
- Nous et les autres. Que sont les « racines » ? (Direction de numéro spécial)
- Cartographier les droits de l'Homme (Chapitre d’ouvrage)
Online Publications (CERI website)